Category: Action

AYLA (action-platformer)
Ayla is a fast-paced, challenging, 2D action-platformer that will test your ingenuity and skill. You will explore the story with Ayla, a girl from...

War Games: Gun Shooting Games
Looking for a thrilling shooting game that will put your skills to the test? Look no further than our new FPS Shooting Game! With...

Art Attack
This world needs to change. And the only way to make people change is to grab their attention by destroying something we all love:...

Catch the zombies before they reach the barricades, poke em or touch them, collect hearts and avoid human survivors. More levels to come. If...

Riddle of Mountain
The whole world is in love with this game! The latest algorithms and updated stylish design make it even more exciting!...

Squad ranger VS Umble buster
In Umbel Buster vs Squad Ranger, you’ll take on the role of an Umbel Ranger, exploring an open world full of magic and adventure....
Slash, Stab, and Grow. Welcome to where might is right! Defeat other swordsmen and become the be the top scorer in the leaderboard!...

Sea Odyssey on Raft
You are in the middle of an ocean with lonely islands, all you have to survive is a raft made of old boards and...

Nezuko Adventures
In the Nezuko Adventures game, you can play as Nezuko! All you have to do in Nezuko Adventures is run and don’t hold back...

「異星艦隊が襲来したあの時、我々自慢の武器は全く歯が立たなかった……彼らの前では、まるで天に向かって石や棒切れを投げる野蛮人のようだった。 その後人類は必死の抵抗をしたが、数えきれないほどの命が街と共に葬られた。それでもなお、残された“ポラリアン”により、凶暴で残忍な変異生物がはびこり、さらに横行覇道な組織“タイダル”までもが猛威を振るう…。 残る最後の希望は、“火種”と呼ばれた我々だった。」 【荒廃した未来の地球】 謎の異星微生物“ポラリアン”に浸食され、荒廃した2112年の地球。植物や動物たちは変異し、人類を脅かす存在に。そこに残る最後の希望――それは未来のテクノロジーによる武器、バトルスーツなどの装備品と、わたし達サバイバーの存在。それらを駆使して、この手で地球の栄光を取り戻しましょう! 【広大なオープンワールド探索】 湿地、砂漠、都市遺跡、雪山などのエリアが存在し、さらに時間や天候によっても様々な変化を見せる広大な土地を舞台に、オープンワールド探索を楽しめます。エリアによる敵の変化や、謎解き、ミニゲーム、隠し宝箱など、探索を充実させるコンテンツが盛りだくさん。遠距離移動は、手持ちのマイクロデバイスから乗り物をプリント!その場にすぐに現れスムーズな移動ができます。 【採集、クラフト、料理、建築】 異星生物や敵対組織がはびこるエリアを探索しながら、木材・鉱石・食材を採集し、アイテムのクラフトや料理、家となるシェルター建築に活かしましょう。アイテムや料理、シェルターは、わたし達を守る大事な生命線となります。各エリア特有の資源を集めるため、広大な大地を駆け巡りましょう! 【ハイテク武器やスペシャルなバトルスーツ】 未来のハイテク武器をクラフトして闘いましょう。銃器を使って遠隔で闘うのも良し、近接武器で直接相手を殴るも良し、10種類以上の武器の中からあなたの戦闘スタイルに合うものを選んでください!武器固有のスキルがあり、プレイスタイルは自由! また、戦闘中にはバトルスーツで自身を強化できます。本作のスペシャルバトルスーツデザイナーには河森正治氏が就任!見た目と実用性を両立させたバトルスーツで、あなたの想像を超えたハイエンドな戦闘体験を! バトルスーツ以外に、心強いペットもサポート!ユニークで可愛い見た目の柴犬、猫、梟、ウサギ…20種類以上のペットからお気に入りの仲間を選びましょう。強化を重ねることで、戦闘に欠かせないパートナーになります。 【仲間と共に立ち向かう】 他のサバイバーとともに4人~8人で一組の人工島を作り、協力して強敵に挑むこともできます。また、お互いのリソースを交換したり、ギルドを結成したり、コミュニケーションを取るなどしてこの荒廃した地球で共に生きるパートナーとなりましょう。 異星生物の脅威だけではなく、それぞれの思惑を持った組織間での争いは決して絶えません。ゲーム内には様々なPvPモードが含まれています。物資争奪、拠点制圧など……限られた区域の中で、サバイバーは仲間と力を合わせ、ほかのサバイバーを撃退することで、さらなる物資を獲得しましょう。 【高品質のグラフィック&サウンド】 細部まで緻密に表現した、高品質の写実的なグラフィック。グローバル・イルミネーション技術により、ゲーム画面に躍動感・瑞々しさが生まれました。また、「ブレードランナー 2049」など数々の名作映画音楽を手掛けたBenjamin Wallfisch氏が制作したサウンドが臨場感をプラスします。デバイス問わず、幅広いスペックのスマートフォン、PC、およびコントローラーでの操作にも対応しています!ダイナミックな没入体験をお楽しみに! ◆公式Twitter: ©Nuverse...

Hey Good Luck Connector
Un incredibile gioco con un mare di sorprese e generosi bonus affascinerà chiunque! Prova a risolvere il mistero di questa applicazione e diventare un...

Army Tank Transform:Robot Game
Get ready for the future robot games in the form of flying tank & transform into lion robot battle. Mech warrior lion robot fight...

Incredible World
The most incredible surprises are waiting in the new app for experienced players. Try your hand at challenging quests and find your victory!...

Rolling Ball Puzzle
In this exciting and addictive game, you control a ball and use it to push boxes around to uncover hidden paint. Once you collect...

Zombie Survivor Idle
On the battle arena, you can destroy enemies by earning them gold coins and spending them to upgrade your base. In built buildings, improve...

Dead Enemy: 3D Zombie Shooter
There’s only one hope, and it’s you! The dangerous virus has turned both dead or alive into vicious monsters. Get into brutal combat with...

Gun Simulator Sounds
Want to create realistic gun weapon sounds and prank with your friends & family? If it’s a big YES then, Gun Simulator Sound is...

The Lords of the Seas
The objective is to get the most LOOT and DEVELOPMENT of your PIRATE SHIP and become the best known Lord of the Seas. To...

Create your own world: Choose from a variety of beautifully crafted assets, and create your own unique environment. Set the mood: Your world –...

Ninja Strike
Ninja Strike is a thrilling action-packed game that puts your ninja skills to the test. As a skilled ninja, you must navigate through enemy...

In this first-person shooter, you play as a freedom fighter fighting against pirates who have taken over your home island. Choose your weapon and...

Base Defender 3D
Place traps to keep the enemies away. Shoot the rest with different powerfull guns....

Robot Car Transform:Megabot
Guys, it’s time to go for a ride! Or, more precisely, fly! In Robot Car Transform:Megabot, you will get behind the wheel of the...

Атака дронов (AR игра)
Атака дронов – игра в дополненной реальности, в которой вам предстоит уничтожать дронов, целясь в них с помощью телефона, и уворачиваться от выстрелов....

Mini Militia – Doodle Army 2
Welcome to the world of Mini Militia Doodle Army2 – the most intense multiplayer combat experience of all time! This revolutionary app brings you...

Dragon Fight – Offline Mobile
Red Warning 🆘🆘🆘!!! The other dragon lords are attacking the area! You are a super-strong fighter who can break the dragon’s scales with some...

Stickman Shooting Fight Game
Stickman Shooting Fight Game, a classic stickman action shooting game, combines stickman shooting and fighting to create a wonderful stickman shooting game! In the...

FPS Commando War:Gun Games
Welcome to the most played offline gun shooting games fps shooting strike for free and become pro fps shooter in this fps commando game....

Plant Zombies War
The Zombies has attacked the earth. And they want to destroy the human race on our planet. But its very difficult for them to...

Merge Survivor
Keep merging blocks together to defend the gate and don’t get killed! Buy upgrades to speed up your merging....

Niinja Legends Shadow Warriors
Ninja Legends: Rise of the Shadow Warriors is an epic ninja adventure game that lets you transform into a legendary ninja warrior. With superhuman...

Throw guy
A comedy game that brings top shelf kicked-in-the crotch humor to mobile. Ragdoll, gravity simulation and hilarious sound effects are incorporated....

Tap Tap Challenge
A simple mini game that consists of tapping on the right moment to complete the correct scenario....

GTA Craft Theft Auto Gangster
Welcome to enjoy our GTA Craft Theft Gangster, MCPE crime game. This |Grand Theft Auto V| Online for MCPE gives you the opportunity to...

Cannon Shoot 3D
Try to be the master of destruction, heat up the buildings neatly and show no mercy! In ‘Cannon Balls 3D’ it depends on how...

study and shot
算数とシューティングゲームを合わせたゲームです 問題が出るので 正解だと思う風船に照準を合わせてタップして撃ちましょう 10問正解すればクリアですが間違えると1問増えてしまいます...

Idle Magic Defender
✨Welcome to the magic world of Idle Magic Defender ✨ Dangerous monsters are attacking the entire city. Your mission is collect coin, upgrade your...


IR Runner
Iranian Endless Runner Game In this game you will choose a character and be a protestor. You will utilise different tactics against the IR...

Raft Survival: Rising Seas
Raft Survival: Rising Seas is a survival, crafting, and building game in an open world when sea level is rising with the style of...

Super Hero Man : War Iron Hero
To be a Hero Iron Man Save the grand city from gangsters and mafia. Police and even army forces can’t do anything with it,...

Speed Pinball
Utilize the flippers to raise a ruckus around town with your ball. Gather however many pearls as you might before the clock at any...

Duck Carnival Shoot
This is a delightful virtual duck shooting exhibition game like the sort one could find at a fair. Utilize your mouse to point and...

Jumping Burger
Hopping Burger has a place with Arcade and It is frequently connected with Fun Games and Expertise Games. This game has gotten votes, positive...

Hop Stars
Jump Stars has a place with Arcade and it Is frequently connected with Ball Games and Expertise Games. This game has gotten 19 votes,...

Chroma Challenge
Prepare for a vibrant challenge and a hand-eye coordination test in Chroma Challenge. Enter the constantly evolving universe of this engrossing game, and do...

Captain Snowball
Dump one pack of snowballs on every portion of the room. Teach the groups that the objective is to have the most un-number of...