Category: Strategy
Defense and Annihilation
In this game, you need to fight back against the monsters which are attacking your kingdom. Raise powerful warriors to fight back the hordes...
Spaceship Robot Transform Game
Robot Battle Games and US Spaceship Transformation in Robot Games Welcome to US spaceship robot game with exclusive features of robot fighting games &...
Simple game-dev 2D
Did you want to know the whole inner workings of a game dev? By playing Bug-Fix Game Maker, level by level, you will fix...
Juno, Sword, 6th Airborne
This is a full version of Juno, Sword, 6th Airborne, which is a turn-based boardgame-styled strategy wargame set on the Western Front during the...
「覇王の業~波乱なる三国志~」詳細な情報は公式サイトで: ——————————————————————————————————————– ■可能性無限大の地図 地形によって異なる史上空前の超リアル進軍ルール! 225万マスど迫力の壮大な戦場 策略・戦争要素満載! ■可能性無限大の組合せ 三国の歴史による将縁システム、9マスの武将布陣、宝物と兵種の配置 万能デッキなど一切なし、本格の策略を満喫しよう! ■可能性無限大の同盟戦争 史上最大規模の同盟合戦!一人だけの戦いではなく初心者でも安心! 昨日の敵は今日の友、現実らしい世界で栄光を書留めよう ■可能性無限大の三国武将 三国志で活躍した数百名の武将たち! それぞれ独自の特徴までも描かれ、絶妙で繊細でリアル! ■可能性無限大の声優陣 桑島法子、小山力也、田中理恵、福山潤、堀内賢雄など豪華絢爛な陣容 圧倒的な臨場感のある三国時代を演出! —————————————————————————————————————– ■最新情報 公式Twitterでは、ゲームに関する情報を随時更新していきますので @hagyo_jp( フォローよろしくお願いいたします! 【価格】基本プレイ無料(一部アプリ内課金あり)...
Moba League:PvP Trainer
★★ An easy-to-play 5v5 MOBA – Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ★★ A mobile AOS you can casually play anytime, anywhere!! Build your own strategy...
Blood of Titans: Card Battles
A fantasy CCG game. Do you have the courage and determination to challenge the Blood of Titans world? Collect and develop a unique deck...
Hero Bump:Real-time PvP Battle
Hero Bump is AVAILABLE NOW! Compete with players worldwide! ◆ Easy To Play Aim and launch your hero with power control to defeat your...
Epic of Conquest
Brand new strategy+city governance battle game – Epic of Conquest – comes now! Fate of this empire is at your hand. Conquer with strategic...
Signature Saying Moves
SSM is an interactive game in which players challenge one another in attempt to gain all gems and available coins to win big! Players...
Virus War – Fight and Escape
Virus War – Fight and Escape is a challenge game with 30 Levels. It is a challenge game you get a Right Technique to...
You will have to demonstrate your dodging skills, where the ball will have to dodge the walls until it reaches the goal. You can...
Rate of Survival
You are a god of this tiny world. You are a good god and want humans, orcs, elves and dwarves to live together peacefully...
Contact Origin: Idle RPG
Advance civilization and protect the Earth! Develop stronger weapons and advanced technology! Contact Origin is an idle strategy RPG game that can be easily...
Tic Tac Toe Black
This is a privacy respecting game with no ads. Play with your friends during boring lectures...
Gate to Heaven
A giant comet that suddenly crashes into Earth one day. The continents, divided by the impact of the comet’s collision, began to build their...
——遊戲介紹—— 年度最反骨的策略國戰手遊強勢來襲!開局不送諸葛村夫! 遊戲完美還原三國戰爭場景,粗暴數值對撞再見,真實國戰一觸即發!體驗最豐富的策略玩法! 三國亂世,群雄逐鹿,大戰在即之時,佛系採集資源或是狼系掠奪?兵臨城下,排兵佈陣,集眾聯盟以禦強敵!招募武將謀士,助力問鼎天下!大興科技城建,增進實力,攻城掠地!運籌帷幄,搶佔資源,爭奪皇位,真實國戰一觸即發!擬真三國沙盤,各路名將集結,搭配多變戰法,克制兵種,以少勝多。 ——遊戲特色—— 【激情的福利,趙雲免費領】 “主公莫怕,常山趙子龍來也”趙雲助陣,橫掃千軍 【名將來襲,更多武將等你來戰】 新增三國著名將領陸遜、徐晃、呂蒙、文醜等,助你一統天下 【陣容搭配,戰力直線飆升】 關羽:昔日吾觀汝等皆為土雞瓦犬,插標賣首之輩,今日以此陣容竟然如此彪悍 【輕鬆發育,自動發展佛系養生】 建築輕鬆升級,系統託管主城建設,讓你在外征戰無後顧之憂 【兵種克制,排兵佈陣,驚險逆襲】 天靈靈、地靈靈,軍師秘計要記清,騎克步,步克弓,弓克騎 ※ 本遊戲因部分內容涉及暴力(打鬥對戰)、角色穿著輕微裸露但不涉及性暗示等情節,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。 ※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※ 請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷遊戲。...
Tower Defense – Defender TD
Tower Defense – Defender TD Join us in the amazing strategy game “Tower Defense – Defender TD”, which will inspire you with a military...
巣ごもり・暇つぶし用のゲームアプリです。 記憶力と集中力のトレーニングになります。 にわとりのトリ子と一緒に記憶力ゲームをしましょう! 巣ごもり期間を有効に使って、ポテンシャルを高めましょう。 ルールととても簡単です。出てきた数字や文字を覚えるだけ。 だけどそれだけじゃない。小さい順に並び変えたり、逆順にしたり。 簡単だけど、難しい。大人より子供のほうが得意かも! ゲームは子供のほうが得意ですよね! 巣ごもりで退屈している子供たちでも簡単に遊べるゲームです。 記憶力を鍛えたい方。集中力を鍛えたい方。巣ごもりで退屈している方。 とにかくゲームが好きな方。暇つぶししたい方。 トリ子と一緒に記憶力と集中力をアップさせましょう!...
Plants’ War
Plants’ War is a classical defense game. Choose from your wide variety of plants to stop zombies from invading your home. Arrange the plants in your...
Kingdoms: Iron & Blood – Real
Rasakan pertempuran skala besar secara REAL-TIME dalam dunia Three Kingdoms. Rasakan sensasi menjadi seorang Panglima Perang yang memimpin Jenderal Legendaris seperti Lu Bu, Zhuge...
《忍者激鬥:預言之子》終極好康活動開啟啦!參與遊戲即可取得十連招募券、頂級忍者、海量元寶! 1、第1天登入即送頂級橙色和紫色品質忍者,讓你在RPG世界中成長! 2、第3天還有頂級通靈獸等你來拿,探索之路並不孤單; 3、第7天上線滿星紅色超稀有忍者、海量養成材料送!送!送!...
Rambunctious Slyme
In fact, it’s the ejection ball that I played when I was a child. By adding equipment system, each equipment has different attributes. By...
Tic Tac Toe Game
Play Tic Tac Toe on your Android phone. No need to waste paper to play puzzle games! Now you can play Tic Tac Toe...
슬라임 랜덤 디펜스
다양한 슬라임이 몬스터를 막는 랜덤 디펜스 게임 ! 하나하나 개성있고 귀여운 슬라임을 이용해 몰려오는 몬스터를 막아보세요 ! 슬라임을 업그레이드하여 더욱 강하고 귀여운 슬라임을 뽑아보세요...
CSGO Utility
This app shows the lineup for all type of nades in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for the following maps:- – Anubis – Cache – Cobblestone...
Stellar Universe
Explore and discover a persistent universe in this RTS MMO, interact with other players and travel among the stars. Forge a galactic empire by...
World War 2: Strategy Games
In this war games, you will play as an army commander. You will command your troops to the frontline and witness the most brutal...
Castle Defense: Mini!
Castle Defense game with 30 levels Protect your Castle from the evil Skeleton Army with the characters at your disposal! Unlock more characters as...
Experience action-packed battles and lead your troops to victory Gather valuable resources with fearless and skilled heroes and heroines Explore the world map in...
Alchemy War2: The Rising
This is “Alchemy War2: The Rising”, the demon kings are back. Tired of playing as a hero and a knight? Now join the Real-time...
1. 포커룰을 따라 타워를 짓습니다. 2. 적을 잡아 코인을 얻습니다. 3. 코인으로 타워를 업그레이드합니다. 4. 업적을 달성해 골드를 획득합니다. 5. 골드를 사용하여 위기를 벗어납니다....
Tic Tac Toez
Tic Tac Toez is a simple Tic Tac Toe game for users to play between 2 plaayers or individual with cpu....
Medieval War Blade
Prepare for interesting adventures with an elven commander in medieval times. Enemies have settled around the village. You have to destroy them. You will...
Gold Rush TD
Join up and take command! A murderous army of steam powered Creeps is bent on wiping out humanity and only you can turn the...
Idle Toy Factory-Tycoon Game
Welcome to the Toy Factory, Inc. game! Toy Factory, Inc – this is an amazing idle, tap, and clicker game with an assembling simulator’s...
Random Guns: Merge Tower Defen
A tower defense and merge game where you can build and combine your buildings to repel the attacks of monsters! Upgrade your guns with...
Press the up arrow key to defeat the alien. You have very limited time to finish so make it count. After you pass, dear...
Battle of the Horizon
Battle of the Horizon is a multiplayer real-time strategy game wherein this game you can choose 5 different types of race this game is...
Parking Car Driving Car Games
Real City Taxi Driving Games & Crazy Taxi Driver – Taxi Game Welcome to this Public Transport Simulator: Taxi Sim 2021 & Taxi Games...
Countryball: Europe 1890
Discover the 19th and 20th centuries with countryballs! Train your countryballs, teach them how to fight, buy them cool weapons, and join great battles...
お題のクセが強いため、ワードウルフアプリです。 クセが強いため、ワードウルフ上級者向けとなっています。 〇ワードウルフとは “あるお題”について話し合う中、「みんなとは異なるお題」を与えられた少数派の人(ワードウルフ)を探し出すゲームです。 周囲の会話をヒントに、自分が「市民」なのか「ワードウルフ」なのかを探っていきます。もし、自分がワードウルフであると思った時には周りにバレないように振る舞いましょう。 お題について話し合った後、多数決で処刑する人を決めます。『ワードウルフを処刑できれば市民チームの勝ち』で、『市民が処刑されればワードウルフの勝ち』となります。...
Army Truck Game: Offroad Games
Army Truck Games 3d: Offline Truck Simulator Welcome to the US army truck transportation game: army truck simulator is one of the best Open...