Category: Strategy
Mega Ramp Bus Stunt Games 2022
Play impossible stunt mega 3d game 2022 with crazy missions levels and track. enjoy the mega bus driving game and complete a crazy level...
Castle Defender: Fortress Hero
Castle Defender drops you right in the heart of the faraway land that lives by magic rules. Now all you have to do is...
Sokoman is a game that brings a box to the goal. It is clear if you carry all the boxes to the goal....
Ball Labirent
The game consists of five parts. You can move your fingers up, down, right, left by bringing your fingers on the big cube. You...
Pigeontopia : Town Builder
In this Pigeon Town Builder you must build up your own customizable settlement against the dark wizard’s invasions each night and defend your town...
Fight Buddy Mobile
You are not alone. The mighty fighters from all over the world are waiting for you. You have to do your best to survive....
《三國之十八路諸侯》這是一款經典三國志單機策略遊戲,遊戲中你不僅要處理好本國內政,還需要用和平外交的方式與鄰國促進交易,通過招募士兵來擴充你的軍隊,帶領你得的鐵騎踏平每一寸土地!遊戲內的玩法不止如此,許多玩法等待玩家挖掘! 《三國之十八路諸侯》是一款單機深度策略遊戲,決策縱深達四個層面: 1、內政,開墾良田、招商引資、體諒民情、治理城池、交易市場、搜索賢士⋯⋯ 2、外交,勸降鄰國、收集情報、招賢納士、離間敵軍⋯⋯ 3、人事,招降俘虜、流放武將、處斬俘虜、運輸士兵、招攬英傑⋯⋯ 4、軍事,徵兵討伐、分配軍糧、掠奪城池、分配裝備⋯⋯ 遊戲目標是通過招兵買馬壯大自己的勢力,然後調兵遣將攻城掠地佔據所有領地。 遊戲中有很多有趣的玩法,例如只能通過劉備招攬到諸葛亮,不同時期可招攬到不同的歷史人物,呂布武力第一但可能隨時叛變等等…… 新君登錄:開啟新時期,在遊戲開始時是以董卓弄權之後開始扮演的君主,可以在嶄新的歷史中開始新的征程。 可選勢力:董卓,曹操,袁紹,袁術,孫堅,馬騰,陶謙,孔融,劉岱,張楊,韓馥,王匡,張邈,劉備,劉表,劉焉,公孫瓚,公孫度,張魯 重出沙場:讀起存檔,繼續完成霸業。 遊戲指令 1.內政 【開墾】提高當前城池的農業發展度,每年的6月和10兩個月會有糧草收入也會相對提高。有糧草才能進行【出征】等指令; 【招商】提高當前城池的商業發展度。商業發展度高,每年的3、6、9、12月份的稅收也會提高,有錢才能進行【宴請】、【徵兵】等其它的指令; 【出巡】提高城池的人民忠誠,徵兵時,民忠越高,徵的兵就會越多,忠誠度為0時,不可徵兵; 【治理】當城池出現災害時,要及時治理,否則糧食和稅收將大幅度減少; 【搜索】搜索當前城中的流浪的武將和道具。道具可以提高武力和智力; 【交易】金錢和糧草進行互換; 2.軍營 【徵兵】徵兵可以增加你的軍隊數量,出征時才可以以強大的軍隊獲勝; 【分配】給武將分配士兵; 【出征】選擇臨近的城池進行攻打; 【掠奪】當個殘暴的君主,暫時能緩解燃眉之急,但是但是民忠和農業,商業將收到損失;...
Conquer the world – Захвати ми
Захвати весь мир как можно быстрее!! Сюжетная линия игры развивается очень динамично, и Вы успеете пройти все шаги от крестьянина до императора. В начале...
Spore Knights
Welcome to the world of spores. Open the chest to strengthen yourself and defeat the enemy....
Fencing is a ‘lost’ game; the rules were first written in the science fiction book ‘The Shockwave Rider’ by John Brunner in 1975, and...
Squid Quiz: Brain Out Puzzle
💪💪 Addictive brain games, brain tests, tricky puzzles to play and become the brain teaser game ? 💪💪 If you are a fan of...
NIM (Impossible difficulty)
Nim is a simple combinatory game with finite possibilities. It consists of 15 pieces in 3 rows. Two players alternately pick a certain number...
Gomoku: Gobang Omok Caro
Gomoku (Five in a Row) is a strategy board game played on a Go board. The first player to get an unbroken row of...
Tap Tennis | Easy Tennis
Tap Tennis offers fast and fluid control mode: swipe your finger to hit or slice the ball. The game provides a huge range of...
Tapstrat is a strategic tapping city management game where you can use a variety of different strategies to make money and upgrade your city,...
Brain concussion Thinking Game
🧠🧠🧠🧠 Let’s blow your mind – Tricky Puzzle Now !!! 🧠🧠🧠🧠 In this application you will find amazing games such as puzzles, memory games,...
Flying Dino Robot Transform
Welcome to Dino Robot Car Transforming Game. In this Dinosaur robot transformation game are totally like dino robot rampage game destruction derby into a...
Public Bus Driver: Bus Games
Do you like to play coach bus parking and bus simulation games? If yes then welcome to the public transport simulator 3d bus game....
Grow Island – Farm Sandbox
Brand new game from creators of Timberman! Build the isle and farm! Expand the island as you can. Cultivate, harvest, develop your farm in...
Outlaws: 4×4 off road games
Outlaws: 4×4 off road games is offroad truck & pickup driving simulator. Pick up cargo and drive ahead through off-road. For example, the famous...
Lords of War & Money: Strategy
⚔️«Lords of War and Money» is a turn-based strategy game inspired by the legendary strategies like Heroes of magic and might. A turn-based strategy...
UTOP is an attractive and addictive game having two different types of games. One which can challenge your mind with the number of squares...
Slay the Hex
Exciting strategy in the setting of the Middle Ages about the capture of hexogens. Capture and expand! Protect your place in the sun!...
Cucuvi Balloonist
The air balloon has fascinated most of us with its appearance rather than an enjoyable flight trip. Have you ever thought about how a...
House of Cards Tower Defense
House of Cards TD is an action adventure game where you collect cards, build a deck and then clear “Tower Defense” style levels. Collect...
Transporter Truck Driving Sim
Have you ever driven a trucker driving simulation 3d? If not, then get ready to drive the best truck simulator on the dangerous offroad...
Crazy Car Stunts Mega Ramp Sim
welcome and enjoy the extreme stunt car game on a mega ramp in our simulation 3D. Mega ramp car racing stunts 3D is the...
可怕混亂的魔族登場,在世界各地引發暴動與戰爭, 為了阻止魔族的陰謀,同時也是為了保護自己, 你將代替神族去平定混亂的台灣,對就是在說你苗栗國。 但其實魔族有甚麼目的一點都不重要, 這是台灣欸! 這是台灣欸! 對面花了幾十年都做不到的事情,只要玩這個遊戲就能做到了, 沒錯,台灣一點都不能少,留島不留人,核平統一啦, 一直到開心的征服台灣了以後。 把那些你討厭的政黨佔領的縣市都打下來了以後。 你就能遇到每個台灣人內心最深處的恐懼。 ——————————————————————————————————— 縣市能力介紹: 彰化縣:招募成功率額外提高三成 嘉義縣:幻想師治療友方之效果三倍 新竹縣:偵查使移動獲得經驗量三倍 花蓮縣:管理者定時給予經驗量三倍 高雄縣:角色擊殺敵人恢復兩成血量 苗栗縣:角色的強化費用減少三成 南投縣:角色忠誠降低速度減少四成 新北市:角色起始速度額外增加3點 澎湖縣:每三分鐘可以無差別轟炸一次 屏東縣:狂戰士殺敵獲得經驗量三倍 台中縣:對角色造成傷害提高兩成...
Strategy Game – Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-tac-toe, nougats and crosses, or Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three...
Farming Life Simulator 2022
Farming Life Simulator 2022 Play the Farming Game Simulator; Drive Best Trucks. Features: Different Tractors Trucks Farming Villages and Cities Realistic Effects Realistic Farm...
Triki Toe
El tres en línea es un juego entre dos jugadores: O y X, que marcan los espacios de un tablero de 3×3 alternadamente. Objetivo...
脱出ゲーム 見習い魔法使いの修行
基本はオーソドックスな脱出ゲームです。 怪しいところはタップして調べよう! 行き詰まったら魔法があなたを助けてくれるかも?! ■セーブ機能あり(非オート) ■ヒント記憶機能あり...
War Hex: Army men & tactics
War Hex is a unique army game and turn based strategy. Lead your army men into WW2 tactical war. Manage your army base, command...
הוסיפו את שמות השחקנים ויווצר עבורכם משחק. כל שחקן יקבל משימה סודית בה הוא צריך לתת קִיס לשחקן אחר ולהעיף אותו מהמשחק. איך נותנים...
Falling Dots
Don’t let the emotions win, control your movements! •They never stop falling!!! • The more dots that fall, everything gets harder and harder. •...
Fortress Armament
Fortress Armament is a new kind of TD game. Skeleton army is coming to your castle to destroy it. You can’t let them do...
Twinkle Star
Try to get the star to the other point using the right amount of bounces. • Every level has a different amount of bounces...
Zombie Offence
Tower offensive game in zombie setting. You can choose zombies and use them to destroy enemy towers. Also you can upgrade your units to...
Room Escape Game – EVOKE
How long have they been doing this? The protagonist is wandering around, not knowing what to do. I came across a mysterious album floating...
Bus Simulator Bus Driving Game
BUS SIMULATOR 2023 – New Bus Games 3D Welcome to the Bus Driving Games Offline, where you’ll be able to experience the BUS GAME...
Hurray!! A new game has arrived that will allow you to train your brain while having fun. It allows you to play against your...
Steampunk Mastermind
Versión del juego tradicional MasterMind en el que hay que adivinar una combinación de colores con las pistas que va dando la aplicación....
Cargo Truck Sim: Truck Games
Cargo Truck Sim: Truck Games Welcome into driver of indian cargo truck & lorry driving in truck simulator game. Enjoy with truck driving simulator:...
crazy cookie obby swirl mod
Welcome to this best game of crazy cookie obby swirl c Candy land adventures Mod. This New Escape cookie swirl c Obby Mod is...
Make Them Kiss
In the game, the protagonist needs your help, encouragement or even a push, in order to muster up the courage to kiss!...