Right Left Escape

Right Left Escape oyunun da birbirinden farklı en yeni grafikleri ve birbirinden yeni bölümleri ile her yaş grubunun sıkılmadan oynayacağı bir oyun sizlerle. Boş...

Fridge Breach Mobile

Fridge Breach Is An All New Next Generation Game Including A Range Of Difficult Encounters, Plus It Also Has Multiplayer. We Hope To Continue...

Tractor Games Farmer Simulator

Tractor Games 2023 world is here for tractor driving lovers, explore the vast Indian tractor farming simulator in this tractor farming: farmer tratr game...


あなたの発想力を試しましょう! このゲームに登場するイラストクイズは、ひねりがあって面白い問題ばかりです。 脳をやわらかくし、発想力・推理力をフル活用して解いてみましょう。 もし全てが解けたなら、 あなたのIQは向上しているかもしれません! 全ての問題が完全無料プレイです! 実況者様の無断プレイも大歓迎! 【ゲームの操作方法】 1、まずは出題文を確認 2、問題画像の中から正解箇所を探してタップ 3、正解すると次の問題に進みます 【ヒントと問題の答え】 どうしても解決できない場合は、ヒントを見てみよう。 答えは完全なネタバレになるため、ご利用は計画的に! 【こんな人におすすめ】 ・脳トレや謎解きが好きな人 ・暇で頭が鈍っている人 ・勉強の疲れが溜まっている人 ・通勤通学の時間の暇つぶしがほしい人...

Greedy Adventurer

「Greedy Adventurer」is an Action-Based Tower Defense game developed by Hong Kong personal game developer “Winter Cat” Player is a greedy adventurer. Your favorite thing...

Age of Chess II

Age of Chess II is the first chess strategy. Igor Applications has developed an exciting strategy game that uses classic chess at its core....


– Real-time strategy simulation game. – Kong? It’s a creature looks like bean. – Get minerals, Build buildings, Make units, and … Fight with...

Brickwars – Idle strategy game

Welcome to the world of Brickwars! Get ready, strategically build your own army and go to the ultimate war of bricks! Be the hero...

Red and Blue: Stickman Escape

Control stickman red and stickman blue characters in the best puzzle games at the same time and use the buttons to move, push boxes,...

Crazy Car Driving Stunts 3D

Crazy Car Driving Stunts 3D is one of those exciting and challenging car stunt driving games where you have to show your driving skills...

GamerZone Hajime: Tic Tac Toe

Currently only TIC TAC TOE is added The Tic Tac Toe is free classic puzzle game also known as Noughts and Crosses or sometimes...


⭐Man Vs Monsters⭐ A Lane-based Tower Defence Game. Settle in Foreign Lands to expand your Great Kingdom. However, these Lands are infested with local...

Defense Or Die

Mankind, searching for energy resources in the world on other planets, has found a planet that contains a very valuable mineral. The only problem...

Explosion Planner 3D

The best bridge explosion game: Explosion planner. Don’t you want to burst the bridges and not let the soldiers pass? Make the best use...

Pacifism part 2: RTS strategy

In the second part of the game, you act as the commander of an army of Peacekeepers. 20 years after the defeat of the...

BossSlayer:RPG for busy people

* Forget the tedious and uninteresting character development Forget about the character development mechanism of star breakthrough system and fragment development system. Say goodbye...

War Game Multiplayer

Send your troops into the various territories on the island and defeat the other factions to achieve total dominance. Assign pistol, uzi, rocket and...

思考実験アプリ – オンライン投票機能付き –

あなたが当たり前だと思っていることを 友人・家族・恋人は全く違った捉え方をしているかもしれません。 いえ、、、もしかするとアナタがとても少数派の考え方をしているかもしれません。 ◯あなたの常識度がわかる!?思考実験アプリ!  思考実験とは、 ある特定の条件の下で考えを深め、  頭の中で推論を重ねながら 自分なりの結論を導き出していく、  思考による実験なのです!  倫理観、思考力、集中力、想像力・・・  重要な問いに対して答えを考えることで、 人生の重要な場面にそなえられるでしょう! ◯オリジナル機能  なんと本アプリは全プレイヤー投票結果をデータ化しグラフ表示化します!  さらに、あなたの投票結果の比率をもとに、あなたの選択肢が多数派なのか少数派なのかを計算して思考タイプの診断結果を表示します。   ◯内容 ・全50問の5カテゴリ掲載(倫理、生死、社会問題、人生、概念) ・全プレイヤーの投票結果をグラフ化 ・自身の投票結果がスコア化される ・自身のスコアをもとに思考タイプの診断結果が表示される ・全問題に製作者による感想コメント付き ◯オススメの利用シーン ・動画配信の雑談ネタに。(ぜひ製作者へご連絡ください。精一杯応援します。)...

BAP – overlay0110

디펜스, 로그라이크 장르게임입니다. 압도적인 힘으로 적을 섬멸하세요....


お寿司が大好きな老若男女の皆様、おまたせいたしました! お寿司屋さんが舞台の脳トレパズルゲームの登場です! 遊び方は超かんたん! お題に合ったネタのお寿司を見つけてタッチするだけ! 高価なお寿司は毎日食べれないけど、これだったら毎日遊べる! エンジョイプレイ!...


你以為的三國,氪肝又氪金;攻守之戰的三國,給你自由! 搭配最強陣容,玩家與盟友齊心同戰,與敵軍輾轉伏擊,從地方梟雄到一方霸主,實現一統三國的局面,還原真實的策略三國戰場。 加入《攻守之戰》,來就送關羽!張飛!趙雲!黃忠!馬超! 【遊戲特色】 ◇不限戰時 無需鋪路◇ 全自由遊戲體驗,告別連地鋪路熬夜爆肝,全圖資源恣意收取,隨時攻佔領地。首次佔領等級資源地、城池還可額外收穫豐厚佔領禮包,你的三國你做主! ◇將星齊聚 謀定天下◇ 和三國武將結情緣,體驗策略羈絆組合,組合全游最強陣容,登榜稱霸競技場。八十三位三國武將、魏蜀吳群四大陣營,一支隊伍最多可上六名武將,顛覆SLG三人成隊傳統,更多武將陣容等你來組! ◇群雄逐鹿 圍城血戰◇ 二十五萬格沙盤地形,覆蓋荊襄、江東、西涼、關中四大區域。千軍萬馬,即刻圍城!打一場百盟酣戰,奪一次最強梟雄。伸手可觸的三國戰場,帶你領略謀略和短兵相接的魅力。 ◇良心運營 不肝不氪◇ 極品武將送不停,開局就送蜀國名將【趙雲】,連續登錄更有【董卓】【黃忠】等武將待你領取!良心運營,每日1次免費抽卡,1次半價抽卡,5次免費募義;五連抽保底出紅將或橙將,更有超高爆率限時卡池登場! 官方粉絲團👇🏻 https://www.facebook.com/GSZZ.tw/ 即刻加入掌握一手信息! ——————————————————————- 本遊戲軟體輔級為:12級 ※ 本遊戲內容涉及輕度暴力(打鬥、攻擊)、性特徵(遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特征之服飾) ※...

Water Sorting Puzzle

Water Sorting Puzzle is a fun and addictive puzzle game! Try to sort the colored water in the glasses until all colors in the...

Jelly War

The enemy jelly kingdom has decided to take over the small friendly jelly kingdom. The goal of the game is to fight off waves...

Mushroom Witch

Teacher has disappeared. You must help little witch to find her teacher by gathering resources and building rooms....

Good Luck Run

Good Luck Run is a game about strategy and luck. Keep your eyes on the road and be ready to risk absolutely anything in...

König des Meeres

1. Eine originalgetreue Rekonstruktion der Epoche, die sich auf zahlreiche historische Literaturen stützt In Europa wurde nach der Renaissance und der Aufklärung der Geist...

Abandon Ship

Engage in piracy and become a hunted Captain. Take command of an ‘Age of Sail’ ship and her crew, exploring a vast, story-filled world...

Moving Castle: Strategy Game

Welcome to Moving Castle, a dark yet adventurous world. Now, the Black Dragon Nidhogg has soared with a thunderous roar, releasing darkness to engulf...

Oilman land – Gas station

Collect the money, buy the shops and earn even more money. Become the owner of the gas empire. Are you looking for a fun...

Police Car Game Car Parking 3D

Police cars crime Own Your Mobile a new adventure police car game 3d is come police car racing game, that car parking car driving...


「パーキングGO」は空間認知力を鍛える脳トレパズルゲームです! 遊び方はとっても簡単! 車は矢印の方向に直進します。 駐車場エリアを出れる車を見極めてタップしてください。 誰でも気軽に簡単に遊べます。 エンジョイプレイ!...


Enter the fantastic world of Sniffout! Fattylab Games presents its first multiplayer game featuring Vampires, Zombies, Witches and many other fantastic characters. Find out...

Tractor farming

Free tractor game 2022: Top tractor farming simulator game. Here is a unique tractor farming simulator game of 2022. This tractor farming simulator game...

League of Rome: Strategy War

Our games is a turn-based strategy games about the history of Rome. You can experience the famous wars in Rome history, conquer different enemies...

Shipping Life: Idle Empire

Manage your port, ship products, earn money and get filthy rich in this Port Management simulator game! Can you handle thousands of shipments and...

اتحداك – Tic Tac Toe

لعبة تحدي استمتع بأفضل ألعاب Tic Tac Toe. ب. ” أتحداك ” على هاتف الأندرويد الخاص بك. لا حاجة لإتْلاف الورق حتى تلعب ألعاب...


这是一款双向解密游戏, 游戏的出发点是分离-合并。你需要的做的就是想尽办法让两个分离的方块交错碰撞在一起。游戏支持自定义地图创意工坊哦,创建属于你自己的关卡吧。 —游戏特点— 游戏侧重于光影交错,场景变化。解密难度可能比较低。 极简的游戏风格,轻便的操作方式。随手就可以玩。 支持自定义地图创意工坊,创建属于你自己的关卡吧。 目前游戏已经开发完了两章。每一章都是截然不同的光影风格与玩法。 游戏的含义由玩家自行体会哦(可能吧应该O_o); ————-...

Stickman Raft

Attack other players raft Upgrade build raft to increase speed and more powerful weapons to win the war Rescue the stickman who are floating...

Jogo da Velha – Tic Toc Toe

É um jogo de regras extremamente simples, que não traz grandes dificuldades para seus jogadores e é facilmente aprendido. A origem é desconhecida, com...

Four in Line

Win the game by getting 4 of your color checkers either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally....

Bộ Lạc Đánh Trận

Bộ Lạc Đánh Trận Mobile đưa bạn vào vai Tù Trưởng của một Bộ Lạc yếu thế đang bị các thế lực ngoại lai...

Castle defense royale clash

Welcome to Castle Defense Royale Clash, defend your kingdom and win! SIMPLE AND FUN A simple but super fun castle siege defense strategy game....

Merge Monster – Monster Fusion

Merge Monster is a match and level up game, collect your monsters and evolve them to the next level to defeat more powerful enemies...

Game of Empires:Warring Realms

Have you ever spent a whole night planning your next move? Have you ever been so fascinated by a historical event that you read...

Real Car Driving School Games

Real car driving school game welcomes you to the virtual driving academy 2022 where you can learn all traffic rules to get your super...

Dragon Robot – Riding Extreme

Dragon robot transformation game and Dragon robot transform game are some of the most amazing, thrilling played Robot car games 2022. In real robot...

DeltaRune: Clicker

Oddly enough, this is a clicker game. In the game, most of the time you will be clicking on DeltaRune Game characters, either to...


O Cap.tal é um fantasy game em que você será um gestor do mercado financeiro responsável por uma gestora de investimentos. Você começará o...