City Bus Games Simulator 3D

8-Bit Gaming Studio is back with its latest innovative, remarkable, bus game 2022 for their online family to shine their offroad bus game, and...

CalculationMania : MathFight

Use math equations to beat your enemy...

Kids Truck: Build Station Game

Welcome to Kids Truck: Build Station Games. In this Jcb construction truck Games for kids & Build a railway station for girls and boys...

Match 3 RPG Puzzle Battle Game

Win Match 3 RPG puzzle battle games offline. Summon heroes puzzles and conquest. Level up heroes vs monsters world in new Match-3 puzzle games....

Network Wars

NO ADS. NO IN-GAME PURCHASES. NO TIME LIMITS. “Network Wars has been awarded the “App of The Day” by MyAppFree ( It will...

I CUBE – Cubing over it

With only 4 buttons at your disposal you must complete a single level with your skill and reflexes. On the road you will find...

Real Commando Shooting Strike

Do you like fighting and FPS Shooting Games with unlimited action and adventure. The Battle Action welcomes you to the legendary sniper shooting games...

Chess Quiz

A fun quiz of legendary chess players, checkmate puzzles and chess rules....

Bards and Bandits

How will you amass the greatest treasure? Plunder your enemies? Or trust your friends? Learn all about the risks and rewards of cooperation and...

Tower State

Prepare to defend your state Commander! Stop the progress of the enemies before they reach the castle! They can crush the walls, so you...

Carrier Battles – Pacific War

Historical hex-and-counter wargame covering the naval-air battles of the Pacific War 42-43. Find the forces of your opponent and strike at them before they...

Build and Heal: TD

🌐 Real-Time Multiplayer Combat: Engage with players globally in dynamic, real-time multiplayer battles. 🛡️ Master of Strategy and Deck Building: Strategically select unique cards...

Country War

Country war game. European War. Countryballs....

Mega Ramp Bike Stunts Racing

Mega ramps and challenging paths of bike stunt game are waiting for you. Try to keep your sports bike balance and reach safely to...

모험가 타워 디펜스

서로 다른 직업을 가진 캐릭터들이 몬스터들이 성을 파괴하는 길을 막아서는 타워 디펜스 게임입니다. 대학생활로 바쁘다 보니 처음 기획했던 시나리오보다 30% 정도밖에 만들지 못하였습니다. 아직...

City Bus Driving Games 3D

Public tourist bus 2022: city games is an ultimate of highway tourist bus 2022: coach offline game. Most fanatic drive transport simulator: bus games...

Heroes of Tactics. TD Strategy

Heroes of Tactics is a new game for Tower Defense and Strategy fans. The game has a Medieval Fantasy setting. The action takes place...

The Darkest Tower Defense

The Darkest Tower Defense is an independent strategy game whose objective is to prevent the horde of the Soulless from reaching the Sainte Arche,...


【君は何問の素因数分解ができるか?】 ひたすら素因数分解の問題を解くアプリです。 ・素因数分解に慣れたい中学生 ・暇つぶししたい理系人間 ・脳トレをしたい社会人 ・ボケ防止したい中年の方 に最適なアプリです。 ■操作方法(ホーム画面) ひたすら解く・・・ひたすら素因数分解の問題を解きます。素因数分解の問題を10問解くごとに可愛い猫ちゃんが現れます。あなたは何匹の猫ちゃんを集めることができますか? 10問TA・・・素因数分解を10問解くタイムを競います。是非最速を目指してください。 ランキング・・・TAの全国ランキングを閲覧することができます。...

Capture My Heart

“CAPTURE MY HEART” CAPTURE MY HEART is a fresh new strategic board game uniquely designed to cater to the love and mental aspect of...


Satranç oynamayı severler için ekranın sade ve basit bir şekilde oynama zevki sunar. Arkadaşlarında daha fazla satranç oyna....

Fantastic Beasts’ Legend

[Fantastic Beasts] A variety of fantastic beasts broke through the ancient seal and entered this world. Capture them, summon your exclusive beast and embark...

Crossy Bloxy

Jump through your opponent’s bloxys to win, but keep in mind that you can’t step directly on a bloxy! Collect additional health points, or...


검 세 개 중에 한개를 선택해서 몬스터를 물리치시오. Choose one of the three swords to defeat the monster....

Crazy Car Stunts 3D: Mega Ramp

Welcome to Crazy Car Stunts 3D: Mega Ramp Racing Car Games where you will drive cars on mega ramp to get pleasure of car...

Castle War

Gather energy to defend your castle and destroy the enemy’s castle. In order to defend your castle, you need to collect the energies on...

SengokuGrowCastle TowerDefense

Introducing an epic game set in the midst of Sengoku battle life, where you embark on a quest to conquer Japan. Immerse yourself in...

Hồng Đồ Chi Hạ

Trở thành một lãnh chúa thời kỳ Tam Quốc và dẫn dắt quân đội chinh phục thiên hạ đang trong hỗn loạn. Xây dựng...

الجنرال | الحرب العالمية

تحكم بمجرى التاريخ وافرض سيطرتك على العالم في لعبة عالمية استراتيجية مليئة بالتحدي والإثارة وكن أنت الجنرال الأعظم الذي سيسجل اسمه في كتب التاريخ....

The ball of Luck

You have to ask questions from this app and then shake the ball it will tell you to the the correct answer...

動体視力反射神経アップ 10秒で年齢測定開始の脳トレゲーム!

左右から流れてくる数字を当てるだけの、1分で完結シンプルミニゲーム。 毎日遊んで、集中力の向上、動体視力アップを獲得してください。...

SAV – Senoides Antivirais

O SAV – Senoides Antivirais foi produzido para ser uma nova ferramenta educativa com intuito de ensinar, de maneira lúdica e divertida, as características...


——回合製戰棋經典再現,RPG與戰棋完美融合—— 《隋唐英傑傳》致力打造一款經典的單機戰棋策略遊戲。以中國隋唐時代為背景,玩家扮演一軍統帥,統領各路豪傑一路過關斬將,結合屬性、兵種、將技、裝備、培養等元素,充分運用兵種克製、地形、天氣等要素,塑造一個過程有深度,戰場很平衡的戰棋系統。通過玩家自己排兵布陣,即可運籌帷幄決勝千裏,亦可步步為營穩紮穩打,體驗征戰沙場的快感。 ——史詩般的劇情,大氣磅礴的宏偉篇章—— 《隋唐英傑傳》以隋唐演義、興唐傳、說唐全傳等小說,結合隋唐評書、史籍,重新融合,全新編撰劇情。呈現一部以劇情為主軸的角色扮演,以角色為核心的藝術表達的高質量內容作品。 塑造出一個一個鮮活的面容,藝術性演繹出絕佳的英雄故事,並以精彩而富有成就感的戰鬥將劇情串聯起來,充分體現出戰棋遊戲的精髓,以及宏大的遊戲世界觀。 ——多線劇情,演繹隋唐波瀾壯闊的時代—— 《隋唐英傑傳》作為一款單機戰棋策略遊戲,每通關一周目將解鎖不同的主線劇情,通過不同的視角視角進入隋朝末年,其中英雄倍出,多少蕩氣回腸的故事,像畫卷一般徐徐展開。 歷史線:前半部以隋唐演義主角秦瓊(秦叔寶)視角為引,亂世英傑擇明主而仕,加入大唐李世民麾下。後半部偏重史實,以李世民為主角切入隋唐歷史視角。從山東小孟嘗秦瓊初出茅廬,到賈家樓四十六友結義,譜寫瓦崗英傑忠肝義膽,生死不改的英雄氣節。到秦王李世民身擐甲胄,親履兵鋒,提三尺劍,數年之間,以王天下,威加四海。此後李世民登基為帝開創貞觀之治。建立大唐榮耀盛世。 幻想線:以「風塵三俠」虬髯客張仲堅、軍神李靖、傳奇女子紅拂女為主角,從江湖視角切入隋末亂世。虬髯客張仲堅,豪放瀟灑,快意恩仇有豪俠之氣;其胸懷大誌擁帝王之氣。軍神李靖,兼資文武,出將入相,用兵一絕,蓋天下之奇才,出奇製勝如風雨之飄忽,如鬼神之變怪。紅拂女機智大方、豪爽的性格,不僅慧眼識李靖,更見出了虬髯客的不凡,是一位自由愛情生活的熱烈追求傳奇女子。敘說了三人與秦瓊等一眾瓦崗英雄一統天下的幻想故事。 資料篇:目前已製作了九個人物的資料篇。以傳奇人物個人視角敘事,展現自身的傳奇經歷。看天下第一好漢李元霸,單人雙錘奪玉璽,傲視群雄百萬兵。看巾幗英雄李三娘,聚攏關中豪傑,發動司竹起兵,統領『娘子軍』建功立業。 ——經典寫實像素風與史詩級國風BGM—— 追溯歷史戰役,參考中國地圖,力求展現更加真實的史詩戰場;結合民間通俗藝術,繪製耳熟能詳人物頭像。精致而不浮誇的場景,盡可能還原唐朝時期的特色。 古典氣息濃重的配樂、節奏和張力俱佳的劇本會讓你迅速沈浸到遊戲的故事中,隨李世民金戈鐵馬踏遍萬裏疆土,看英雄豪傑豪情萬丈任逍遙。 ——超豐富的戰場選擇,策略戰棋再次重生—— 以推演為原旨的策略戰鬥,玩家只需掌握戰場要素,諸如地形優勢、兵器互克、移動距離、攻擊意圖等,通過自己戰術在戰場上與敵軍鬥智鬥勇。作為單機策略戰棋的優點,可以隨時存讀檔自己掌握遊戲的節奏和時間,通過不同的戰術和單位配置,如調整陣型、卡位、仇恨拉扯,運用各種策略,應對變化多端的戰場來獲取勝利。 ——漫畫連載式更新,沒有長草期—— 每月1號固定更新最新的關卡,沒有長期的等待,滿足你對內容的渴望。不斷豐滿的故事,真正有血有肉的隋唐演義。 ——聯系我們—— Facebook粉絲頁: Line ID:ly94500 邮箱:[email protected]...

Shadow of Space: Dark Invaders

Start your journey in space with the first ship – Cubjet. You have to choose one of three companies to fight for. Equip your...

Polycrawler : Dungeon Crawler

A low poly fantasy style turn based dungeon crawler. Fight through hoards of varying enemies with different attacks, leaning the best way to tackle...

Rooster Game

As the name says, this is a chicken game. And it’s a game of resource management and genetic selection in a chicken farm. In...

Galaxy Resistance – Pinball TD

Get ready to save the galaxy in Galaxy Resistance TD, an all new tower defence game with a pinball twist! In a distant galaxy,...

Random Totems—Tower Defense

Get so much fun playing Random Totems with awesome PvP online games feature! 💥 Tower defense is one of the most exiting strategy games....


SpaceBattle 1.0.12 Defeat the opponent’s main base within 30 minutes or A game that wins if there are many flag territories If gold is...


Space-Rivals is a multiplayer online space strategy game. Your mission is to develop and manage your empire in order to expand and seek for...

My Warriors

Welcome to My Warriors – a very interesting casual game where you can create your own large army and fight enemies in a variety...

6×6 game turn off lights siXis

How to play You must turn off all the lights Once you press any of the lights the status of the surrounded light will...

Lords of Grom

Rule Your nation to world domination! Next-Gen fast-paced Real-Time Strategy, by Vadis Saim’s mind....

Tic Tac Toe

The Tic Tac Toe is free classic puzzle game also known as Noughts and Crosses or sometimes X and O. Our game offers: >...

Eliminate all the Enemies ! Snipe them all ! Collect coins ! Buy Soldiers to protect your Fort !...

Crowd Throw

Throw towers, merge them and take out massive crowds!...

Five Nights At Snusoed’s

Вы устроились работать ночным охранником в мемный магазин Bebra, но оказалось, что по ночам в магазин проникает агрессивный Снюсоед. Выживайте в течении 5 ночей...

Kho Báu Truyền Thuyết

Kho Báu Truyền Thuyết mang một thế giới đầy màu sắc, với hơn 100 nhân vật nổi tiếng theo nguyên tác. Bạn trở thành...