Category: Strategy
EZChess! is the chess game for all chess players. Play against a friend over the board, or play against the bot, it’s up to...
Curve The Ball 3d 2
Hello friends this is a online game you can play when your mobile data is on if your mobile data is of please on...
Jogo de Galo e Galinha também
Como o nome diz, esse é um jogo de galo e é um jogo de galinha também. É um jogo de gerenciamento de recurso...
Idle Pet Shop – Animal Game
Idle Pet Shop is a animal store simulator where you can sell various virtual animals! Build a fun place for all your favorite lovable...
Cat’s Astro Journey
Explore space with cats in this sci-fi strategy game! PREPARE NEW EXPEDITIONS! Choose a ship and budget! But be wise – this has a...
Kind Heart Defenders
ATTENTION DEFENDERS – MILLIONS OF ENEMY SHIPS WILL DIE! Kind Heart DEFENDERS is a space shooter and tower defense game set in a vibrant...
Limited Worlds
Build a secure colony in the unstable space of the Last Sector! Manage energy and food supply, set trade routes and send your brave...
Defend Circle
The circle has a specific health and each wave enemies get stronger. Plan your upgrades depending on your budget and try to survive as...
Tic Tac Toe
This game is just for fun and entertainment and having joy with friends while playing....
Snake Classic
Alimenta a la serpiente hasta que no pueda más! Pero cuidado!! Cada vez que come crece y si crece..ocupa mas.. y si ocupa mas?...
Fps Gun Shooting games IGI ops
FPS Real Commando Game Shooting Gun Strike 2021 – banduk wala game👮 New FPS Shooting Game – Real Offline games Have you interest in...
Game 2048 GFRIEND challenge BU
Từ game 2048 bằng số, mình đã thay bằng các hình ảnh của các thành viên GFRIEND. Không biết các BUDDY thử thách trí...
Whip Master
🤠 Looking for whip games? Enjoying casual rope games with lots of levels? Whip master is a casual game where you need to fight...
Like in normal Reversi you place your pieces adjacent your opponent’s to capture their piece when it gets flanked by 2 of your pieces....
Ahora podrás jugar frente a frente a tu rival en el histórico juego de 3 en línea versión Cats. Rápido e Intuitivo, sin publicidad,...
(Only read this if you don’t know how to play) 1. Decide who is going to be X or O 2. Choose who gets...
Tower Defense 3
kalahkan monster laba – laba beserta musuh yang lain untuk memenangkan pertarungan mempertahankan tower...
Tic Tac Toe – RPG
The classic Tic Tac Toe with a RPG-style twist! Choose your favorite characters with selections from Archers and Merchants to Mermaids and Zombies. Which...
Calradia Online Strateji Oyunu
Calradia evrenine size derinden bağlı bir köyün derebeyi olarak başlayacaksınız. Bu köyü iyi idare edin ve güçlü bir ekonomi oluşturun. Ticaret yaparak hazinenizi doldurun....
War of Chaos
You have been abandoned here in Terrio, a place with no solace where bigger army diplomacy rules. Explore the world, gain a powerful army...
Mob Royale
Mob Royale is a one of a kind mini moba game where you have to deploy troops from your towers and destroy your opponent’s...
Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe is a free classic puzzle game also known as Noughts and Crosses. Our free Tic Tac Toe game offers: ✓ Play...
Wednesday OS
This game represents the next generation of the computer operation systems. This system will help you get the most out of your device. It...
Ark of Survival
This is a wasteland. Zombies infected by plants have destroyed everything, and a steady stream of corpses has occupied the city. You need to...
VEV is a non-violent strategy and automation game in which you are tasked to clear the land of particles in the shortest possible time....
Puzzles & Survival
Tận thế ập đến, hãy chuẩn bị sẵn sàng để chiến đấu!!! Virus xác sống bùng phát giữa thành phố nhộn nhịp, con người...
Elemental Magic Master TD
A new word in the genre of magic tower defense game. All you need to protect your base is to quickly cast the required...
Trauma cure
이곳에는 여러 상황들이 준비되어있습니다. 상황에 들어가서 타워를 건설하고 업그레이드하고 몰려오는 적들을 막으세요. 꼭 승리하셔서 이곳이 어느 곳인지 인지해 주세요....
特工先生,我們需要你對抗邪惡的黑鴉軍團。 接取秘密刺殺任務,在各種緊張刺激的場景下進行地面和空中戰鬥,利用強大的現代化的槍砲武裝自己,深入敵人領地,埋伏深處狙擊目標。化身遠程殺手,占領策略要地,把握時機完成致命一擊,幫助隊友奪取戰場主動權,終結敵人陰謀。 準備好了嗎,向敵人開火吧! 遊戲特色: 【緊張刺激的狙擊行動】 上百個任務帶你經歷不同的戰鬥地圖,從空中到地上,無窮無盡的戰鬥關卡訓練你的技巧和開槍速度。各種強大的突擊步槍、機槍和狙擊槍供您選擇,收集武器零件搭配升級,打造世界最強槍砲。簡單和流暢的槍支射擊控制,豐富的動畫設計和聲音,開槍慢鏡頭都會讓你心跳加速! 【呼朋引伴 對決黑鴉】 保衛家園,對抗邪惡的黑鴉勢力!召集好友,體驗匠心打造的數十章經典戰役,感受驚心動魄的壯烈戰場。引擎轟鳴,坦克咆哮,上千城鎮被殘暴的黑鴉軍團佔領,只有你的最強部隊能給這塊土地帶來和平與希望! 【真實地圖 豐富地形】 無論是白雪皚皚的莫斯科,還是水網密布的伊斯坦堡,你都有機會佔領它們! 你可以選擇在美洲中部大平原建立軍事聯盟,掌管芝加哥和亞特蘭大;也可以在背山靠海的巴塞隆納與阿姆斯特丹佔地為王,打造永不陷落之城。但最終,只有勝者才能欣賞這些美麗的風景。 【儲備物資 動員部隊】 作為一名傑出的指揮官,戰前勢必做好萬全準備。建立基地後,你將在萬人大地圖上收集戰略物資,打造上百種真實軍火,小至F1破片手榴彈,大至虎式坦克等尖端兵器。你可以組織M16突擊步兵連隊,改造M4謝爾曼坦克,建造喀秋莎火箭砲陣地,招募軍官統御部隊,用宰制的火力擊退任何進犯之敵! 【召集弟兄 組織聯盟】 單打獨鬥也許能一時稱王,但團結作戰才能吹響常勝的號角!召集你的拜把兄弟們,組成合作無間的軍事聯盟,與盟友一同布局策略,對外交戰。佔領地圖上的重要建築與富饒地區,為聯盟提供戰力加成、資源收益等多項優勢,擴張聯盟版圖,制霸天下吧。 【跨圖對決 運籌帷幄】 佔領城市的重要交通樞紐後,你可以和盟友通過交通樞紐前往其他城市,展開全新的征途!但請隨時警惕善變的人心,在這群雄崛起的時代,熙來攘往皆為利益所驅,只有牢不可破的聯盟與堅定不移的同袍才能助你爭霸世界! 【上帝視角 無距縮放】...
Daimio Arena
battle arena multiplayer video game online, moba game. Based on feudal japan. Fight with your daimio in exciting epic battles to victory....
Kerdizo – Play free games & Ea
Play Astounding Games and earn real money with Kerdizo !!! If You are looking for an app who let’s you to win real money...
인피니티 킹덤
*【9월 23일 낮 12시 런칭 】* 최강 SLG 연맹들의 드림매치! [인피니티킹덤] 연맹 올스타리그 개막 ※카페 출석 체크 이벤트- 현재 연맹의 명예를 위해, 그리고...
Border Wars: Military Games
Step into the world of thrilling war games where you lead an army in epic battles. My game seamlessly blends FPS and RTS genres,...
City Car Driving School Game
Too lazy to go and find a driving school, But you still want to learn driving. Maybe from your couch. Okay we are not...
Connect4 is a tic-tac-toe-like two-player game in which players alternately place pieces on a vertical board 7 columns across and 6 rows high. …...
Monster Wars 3D: Mutant Puzzle
Can you think fast enough to merge all the monsters and conquer the enemies’ stations? Your quest is simple…merge the creatures using your strategy...
无需再焦急等待,备受欢迎的战斗/战略游戏的续篇现已面世! 挂机战斗,无限升级 无需大量的手动操作,你只需要简单的合成升级你的炮塔就可以体验爽快刺激的塔防战斗。数以千计的关卡设计各具挑战,无限升级成长抵挡更强的敌人. 多样策略、灵活搭配 特色炮塔轮番上阵,功能各异(弓箭、毒液、魔法、火炮等…每种炮塔效果独特,各有奇效)。丰富的怪物种类及属性设计,针对每种敌人调整你的战术,不然你可挡不住他们. 丰富主题 丰富独特的地图场景等你解锁(海岛、森林、沙漠…每个主题包含数个不同的战场) 超强科技系统,成倍提升你的战斗力. 你可以使用原有的经过时间检验的炮塔,也可以使用崭新的武器。如何花费预算,完全由你决定。你可以建造新炮塔,或升级并加固已有炮塔。炮塔在攻击范围、射击速度和伤害类型方面都不尽相同。唯一的致胜方法是将不同的炮塔整合起来,让它们相互策应,相互增强。 我只有一个愿望——不管你喜欢还是不喜欢——最后请留下评论和评价。如果你喜欢它,别忘了评分并留下你的评论;如果你不喜欢,你可以在评论里吐槽我们,我们接受任何批评。 如果有什么问题或需要帮助, 请联系技术支持。...
シンプル脳トレ ~CAB対策 法則性~
4つの選択肢から適切な画像を選ぶシンプルなクイズアプリです。脳トレやCAB試験における法則性の対策・暇つぶしに最適なアプリです。 通常モード・ランダム出題モード・タイムアタックの3タイプを搭載しています。 ヒント表示機能もあるため、考え方をつかんだり、正答率を上げることにつなげられます。 最終的な正答数を表示する機能も搭載しています。全問正解を目指してがんばってください。...
A game that confronts heroes and villains of different fables, tales and cultures in fun strategic battles. Find La Calavera Catrina working with Leprechaun...
間違い探し – シルエット
全300問収録でボリュームたっぷり!いつでも手軽にレッツ脳トレ! 集中力や記憶力を効果的に鍛えることができます。 レベルは全部で5段階! シルエットの数や色が増えていき、点滅や反転しているものも!? ・こんな方にオススメ ・スキマ時間に遊べるゲームを探している方 ・脳トレーニングしたい方 ・集中力、判断力、記憶力を鍛えたい方 ・暇つぶしできるゲームを探している方 ・ボケ防止をしたい方 ・アハ体験をしたい方 効果音素材 ・くらげ工房様...