
Your mission is to reach the finish line. But on your way will be enemies, which want to kill you. Buy shields, heal and...

Smart Ball – Sua mente mais rá

🎮Teste sua mente, habilidade e velocidade na luta com o tempo.🎮 Apresentamos o Smart Ball para estimular a atenção e treinar a concentração. O...

20th century Premium

You wish to become an emperor, a king or a president? This game is just what you are looking for. You can enter the...

Europe 1784 Premium

Welcome to the world of global changes and new opportunities, where you will become a wise ruler and lead your nation in pursuit of...

Kievan Rus’ Premium

Become the ruler of Kievan Rus’ and lead your civilization to glory! In this strategy game, you’ll need to use your political skills and...

the Journey : Zombie Tower Def

백신을 확보하기 위한 생존자들의 처절한 사투 ! 생존자들은 서로 돕고 도시들을 유람하며 백신을 탐색해간다. 최종 목표는 스위스 제네바에 위치한 세계보건기구(WHO)에 도착하는 것. ■흥미진진하고 몰입감...

fidget trading: trade toys 3D

Anti stress Fidget Trading : Pop It Fidget Trade Toys 3D ASMR How many Satisfying Fidgets do you have ? Lets engage in a...

MA 2 – President Simulator

Become a president of any of the 181 modern states! 🌎 The best offline mobile strategy game for governing a country. Conquer the world...

TapTap Strategy: Clicker – Str

Hello! We are glad to present you the TESTING of the project of a free game from Russian developers “NoRules Games” with the atmosphere...


You are the sole survivor of a horrific plane crash. You’re completely alone and no one knows exactly where you are. There’s only two...

Chess TD: Element

Chess TD now comes with a new strategy: Element! Chess TD: Element is a new strategy game with brand new property. Heroes now has...

WarSiege Fantasy Medieval RTS

Defend and build your stronghold situated in a medieval fantasy rts where you command units or an entire army. Collect resources and evolve your...

Tower Approach

This is a very simple, straight to the point tower defense game. The objective is to achieve the best score possible and unlock new...

King of King‘s

“King of King’s” is a post-apocalyptic real-time strategy game. We have a huge post-apocalyptic background, historical generals from all civilizations around the world, real-time...


【君は何問の因数分解が解けるか?】 ひたすら因数分解を解くアプリです。 ・因数分解に慣れたい中学生 ・暇つぶししたい理系人間 ・脳トレをしたい社会人 ・ボケ防止したい中年の方 に最適なアプリです。 ■操作方法(ホーム画面) ひたすら解く・・・ひたすら因数分解を解きます。因数分解を10問解くごとに可愛い猫ちゃんが現れます。あなたは何匹の猫ちゃんを集めることができますか? 10問TA・・・因数分解を10問解くタイムを競います。是非最速を目指してください。 ランキング・・・TAの全国ランキングを閲覧することができます。...

Uno Mania

Com este jogo você ficara fera em Uno, pois seu desafio é enfrentar nosso Robô programado para lhe ensinar como se joga uno...

Willy Shmo’s Tic Tac Toe

Easy to play, harder to master. Test your skill against Willy and then play against your friends....

Rocket Car Ultimate Ball

Arena is set for the ball game. Enter yourself in the car arena for the car fight. You have played many ball games before...


DEPLOY is an easy to learn but hard to master turn based strategy game that takes the concept of rock paper scissors to a...


in space shooter, players need to defend the alien....

Armchair Commander

Relive history! Play or create your own missions in World War 2 and all the way through the Cold War. Learn to master the...


算数レベルの計算式の数値と結果を見て、穴の開いた箇所にどの記号が入るか選択するゲームです! 正確かつスピーディに問題を解いて自己ベストタイムを更新していこう! 1日1回行える、試験用の「本日の30問」では結果を記録していくので日々の成長が実感できます! 練習問題では試験と同じ形式の問題「普通30問」と、徐々に問題が難しくなる「難しい50問」を用意しています! 練習問題で鍛えて日々の記録を更新していこう! シンプルですが、脳トレや教育、学習にも使えると思います! 無料なので是非遊んでみてください!...

Tile Blazer

Place different tile pieces and form a track from start to finish before the time runs out. Avoid different obstacles and don’t forget to...

Tower Defense: The Creatures

Tower Defense: The Creatures is a strategy game that lets you create your own path for enemies to follow. Fight against creatures with different...


(Only read this if you don’t know how to play.) You have to guess the word in this game. You have a certain number...

Small Village Craft

Small Village Craft is a free creative survival exploration sandbox game. A wisp of smoke rose from the small village in the twilight. The...




Gu Ba Ke (Gunting Batu Kertas) adalah aplikasi permainan batu, gunting, kertas dengan sesama pemain atau bersama komputer. Disini kamu akan bersenang-senang dengan permainan...

Prison City

In a world torn apart by war, epidemics, and terrorist attacks, society as a whole has become rife with chaos, corruption, and crime. You’ve...


236/5000 Tìm tất cả sự khác biệt giữa các loại cấp độ khác nhau và đào tạo đôi mắt của bạn! Phát hiện tất...

Wooden Kingdom – Tower Defense

Once upon a time there was a barbaric kingdom “Brolandia” and everything was fine, but only at some point from the dungeons, which stood...

Stickman Battle 2: Empires War

Stickman battle 2: Empires War is a new version of strategy stickman games, developed from Stickman battle 2023:Stick Fight. One of the specialties of...

謎解きアイランド – 即答クイズDE脱出ゲーム 

勤続20年…… 家と会社を往復するだけのツマラナイ生活を送ってきた私。 (同僚はどんどん寿退社しちゃうしさ〜) ふん、コツコツ貯めてきたお金をパーッと使って、リゾートの旅に出てやるんだから! ところが着いた島ではクイズを1問解くごとにスタンプが1個もらえるスタンプラリーに参加させられることに!(なんで?) スタンプが10個集まるとアイテムが1つもらえ、アイテムが5つ集まると……? いやいや、もうこれ以上は言えないッ! あなたも実際にチャレンジしてみて〜!!! ■■小学生でも解ける!即答クイズ■■ ・【判じ絵】絵から連想される言葉を当てるクイズです。だじゃれ・ひらめきがポイントなので、頭をやわらかくしてチャレンジしましょう! ・【あるなし】「ある」と「なし」に分けられた言葉をもとに、共通点や特徴のある点を見つけ出して「ある」か「なし」かを判断してください。 ・【並べ替え】バラバラになった文字を並べ替えて、​正しい言葉を完成させましょう! ・【法則】ある法則で並んだ数字や文字から答えを導く問題です。どんな法則なのかに気づけるかが鍵! ・【なぞなぞ】「なるほどー!」と目からウロコなものもあれば、「くだらねー!」と笑えるものまで……これまたやわらか頭が要求されます。 ■■こんな人にオススメ■■ ・ひらめき的思考が要求されるクイズが大好き!という人 ・「脱出」と聞くと血が騒ぐ!という人 ・リゾートの旅に出たい!と思っている人 ・会社に向かう電車の中で、クイズを解きながら頭をウォーミングアップしたい!という人 ・仕事や家事の合間に、クイズで気分転換をしたい!という人 ・帰宅する道すがら、クイズを解きながら頭をクーリングダウンしたい!という人 ・ワークスのアプリゲーム「会社バックレる!」シリーズにハマっている!という人 ■■このアプリ、こんなところが自慢です■■ ・無料です!(課金は一切ありません)...

Monster War – Battle Simulator

Pet your monsters and bring your monster army into a massive single-player and PvP battle simulator! Collect, upgrade, breed, evolve, pet your monsters in...

Squirrel Warfare

Build and upgrade your squirrel army to meet the challenging fights. In this forest, it’s your army, you in charge. Take over the territory,...

Clash of Joy – Random Dice

A funny casual tower defense block game! 【PVP Defense block game】 Almosts hundred of block to select, easy to play, hard to be expert....

Art of Empires

Art of empires is a real-time strategy game in the best tradition of old classic PC RTS games! Just like in any classical RTS...

Prison Escape AI game

The application is a simulation of popular logical theory Prisoner’s Dilemma. The player has to play with a virtual AI character within the app....

Torenambacht bouwen 2021

*** New Torenambacht bouwen 2021 building simulator Game FREE NEW VERSION *** You can create tools and building blocks for the construction of houses...

Country Balls Io: Battle Arena

Do you like strategy games? Where you can use all of your tactic skills and logic? Well, Country Balls Io is for you! In...


This game consist of both single and multiplayer mode. It has inbuilt engine of elo strength 1800(approx). Some of the specifications of the game...


play Tic-tac-toe game with friends or with the computer...

Tales of Exile

3D Fantasy SLG Mobile Game- Tales of Exile Game Feature: -Free to play and battle everywhere -Race conflict and war -Epic SLG game feature...

Heroes of Valhalla

Discover the war game that will test your Viking power! Recruit and command your arsenal of heroes to defend your kingdom and sack enemy...

Merge Battle

In this game you have to merge platforms, collecting an army and defeating enemies....

The Big Pig Invasion

Can you stop the big invasion of the pigs with your feline towers and cat warriors? ‘For centuries, the farms have been kingdoms of...

Golem Survival

Join us in this amusing Game where you need to protect your land against several Golem attacks, conquer the land to expand and upgrade...


Tic-Tac-Toe is a great game to learn how to strategize and solve puzzles. This is a free version with no ads and a superficial...