Charging Stations Scandinavia

– Lists nearest charging stations, with details about the technical + contact- and ownership-info. – Map-functionality that lists all the charging points – Filtering...

CTA Rit Registratie FULL “… De kracht van CTA Rit Registratie is dat de app je veel werk uit handen neemt. Je vult een aantal locaties in...


DDMX BDE – Software privado DDMX para Boletim Diário de Equipamento. Cuidado: Pode travar o aparelho se não estiver cadastrado no site DDMX e...

Автобус “Казань”

Расписание пригородных и междугородних автобусов г.Казань. Приложение находит и отсчитывает время до ближайшего автобуса. Для поиска расписаний не требуется интернет. Есть возможность добавить расписания...

CAR Magazine: News & Reviews

Influential, inspirational and respected, CAR magazine is your first port of call to satisfy that insatiable appetite for all things motoring. Be the first...

Alcool X Gasolina

“Álcool X Gasolina” – Uma simples aplicação sem propagandas (ads) nem limitações para proprietários de veículo FLEX, onde você informa o valor do litro...


Performing Daily Vehicle Inspections (or “circle-checks”) is critical for driver safety and for keeping fleet maintenance in-check. Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) are mandatory....


* 이용시 적립식 어플 31대리운전입니다. * 대리운전 이용도 하고 적립금도 쌓고 1석 2조!!!! *많은 이용과 추천 부탁드립니다. —————————-...

Movistar GPS AR

Movistar GPS is a mobile application that enables seeing and editing your company’s fleet. It’s a complimentary application to a full hosted service of...

Мои Штрафы ПДД с фото онлайн

🚦 Мои Штрафы ПДД с фото онлайн – быстрый и легкий способ проверить штрафы гибдд и оплатить их, а так же посмотреть фото и...

Advanced EX for KIA

Monitor specific KIA parameters in real-time, including engine and automatic transmission advanced sensor data by adding this plugin to Torque Pro. Advanced EX is...


*8259대리운전은 어플하나로 대리운전, 꽃배달 서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다. *8259대리운전은 대전, 청주, 오창지역에세 편리하고 손쉽게 대리운전 서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다. * 슬픈 일, 기쁜 일,...

BiZi ZgZ

¡Si eres usuario del servicio BiZi Zaragoza, tienes que tener esta App! ¿Quieres saber si tendrás una BiZi disponible desde tu origen, y un...


Die App für WPS-Kunden zur mobilen Steuerung der Werkstatt-Auslastungen. Die Daten über werden übersichtlich, komprimiert und permanent auf mobilen Endgeräten zur Verfügung gestellt. Ein...

DriveDeck Sport

DriveDeck Sport Your personal Drive Analyser for your smartphone. Derived directly from motorsports, the Drive Analyser calculates all important driving dynamics data and provides...


* 탁송, 대리운전은 서울에서 이용가능하며 이용시 10%의 적립금을 드립니다. * 추천하신 분께서 이용하시면 별도로 3%의 추가적립금도 있으니 많이 추천하셔서 적립금 모으세요^^ * 모으신 적립금은...


* 대리운전 이용시 이용금액의 10%을 적립해드립니다. * 또한 꽃배달서비스도 오픈하였으니 많은 이용 부탁드립니다. * 최상의 서비스를 약속드립니다!! —————————————————...

Gear Design 3D in TrueGeometry

Design, iterate, simulate Gears and Cams. Generate 3D models for manufacturing. Features: 1. Gear 3D Generation 2. Gear 2D generation 3. Cam and Follower...

my car maintenance service pro

Sync your vehicle With this free smart and automatic application . Now taking care of your car is easier than ever it’s free and...


* 승승장구Asp 어플이 오픈했습니다. * 더 이상 대리운전 번호를 외우실 필요가 없습니다. 어플 설치 한번만 하시면 클릭 한번으로 상담원 연결에서 대리까지 한번에 ~~~ *...


* 대리운전, 탁송 이용시 이용 금액의 12%을 적립해드립니다. * 꽃배달서비스는 전국에서 이용가능하며 이용시 이용 금액의 10%을 적립해드립니다. * 어플 하나로 대리운전& 편의서비스를 손쉽고 간편하게...

Bettenhausen Chrysler Jeep

Welcome to the Bettenhausen Chrysler Jeep Mobile App. Our mobile application has been developed to help our customers stay in touch. We invite you...

Bonanza Performance

Bonanza Performance computes all the useful performance numbers for flight planning for Beechcraft Bonanza 33, 35, and 36 series aircraft with options for turbonormalizer...

HappyRide-Real Time Car Fuel C

HappyRide is a real time mileage logger and scan tool for your car using OBDII. It’s an app that you can use daily to...

Carbon Drive

Gates Carbon Drive is the high-tech belt drive for bicycles, motorcycles, & scooters. This app measures belt tension sonically. Just pluck your belt like...

Билеты ПДД 2024 Экзамен ПДД

От создателей ПДД24 при сотрудничестве с ГИБДД и автошколами России. Всегда самые последние изменения в билетах и правилах дорожного движения. Перед тем как купить...

Hatla2ee – New and used cars

Hatla2ee website and app are the largest online marketplaces for used cars in the MENA region. Hatla2ee’s Android app provides the fastest and easiest...

Entretien voiture et suivi aut

L’Appli Driver permet aux usagers de la route d’avoir toujours avec eux le carnet d’entretien de leur véhicule. En effet, vous pouvez enregistrer tous...


Service consists of a GPS device installed on the vehicle, web application and a mobile application. The data of vehicle operation sent by the...

Core Pricing by

Core Pricing by Helps auto recyclers determine which parts to sell as cores during the dismantling process. Core Pricing by compares part...

Express Lube

Keep on top of your vehicle’s maintenance with this free eSticker app from Express Lube. Keep your vehicle’s oil change reminder sticker on your...


GasLogger is a simple app to log your gas fillups for all your vehicles and see some statistics, like your mileage from fillup to...


With Car-Mgr you can store all the actions of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, fuel supplies, car taxes and insurance and anything else you consider...

My Vehicle Expenses

MVE is great vehicle budget manager tool for everyone who is concerned about their spending. Designed to be simple and intuitive, that helps you...

Car expenses donate

After installing this app, the main application “Car expenses” will get the status of paid version and ads will be disabled. Thank you 🙂...


Det er veldig lett å finne ut hvilken by/sted et regnr kommer fra. Søkemuligheter i tillegg til navigasjon via fylker og kommuner. Dessuten finnes...


* 김대리운전은 대리운전,꽃배달,퀵서비스등을 하나의 앱으로 사용하실수 있는 어플입니다. * 이용시마다 최대 13%의 적립금을 드리오니 많은 이용 부탁드립니다. ——————————————————————————————————————-...

Car Launcher Pro

We represent you Launcher which was specially created for use in the car. You can use this program as on phone, a pad and...


Electric Vehicle Graphical User Interface for EMUS BMS (Battery Management System) that is manufactured by EMUS, UAB. Applications shows main battery parameters as graphical...

Trax – Trip & Fuel logging

Trax is the number one application for when you are on the road. Triplogging and fuelup-registration at the place you really need it: in...

Tire Keeper TPMS

Ensuring the safe movement of the car is not an easy task for the driver. He is obliged to closely monitor the condition of...


Convert between miles per gallon (mpg) and litres per 100kms....


An accurate Android™ taximeter designed in conjunction with drivers and regulators. Join the thousands of professional drivers already using Taximeter worldwide. 🚖 FEATURES ✔  Realistic...


◆スピードメーター デジタル、アナログ切り替え可能です。 ◆『速度表示灯』 大型トラックの運転席上部にある3つのランプを搭載。 スピードに合わせて点灯パターンが変わります。 ○○○ 停止時 ○○● 0km/h以上 ●○● 40km/h以上 ●●● 60km/h以上 ◆『速度警告音』 一定のスピードに達するとキンコン♪と警告音が鳴ります。 ◆『20連LEDマーカー』 マーカー、点灯パターン変更できます。 ━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・ ※GPSをONにしてから起動してください。 ━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・ 兄弟アプリがあります。 トラック太郎:速度表示灯 トラック次郎:デコトラメッセージボード(トラックの荷台) トラック三郎 トラック八郎:このアプリ(速度表示灯付きデコトラスピードメーター) ━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・ 本アプリは、下記サイトの音を利用させて頂いています。 「フリー効果音素材...

조인스오토 협력업체용 – 허가받은 폐차전문가만 사용가능

폐차를 하는 가장 쉬운 방법! 스마트폰으로 비교견적을 통해 높은 가격! 믿을 수 있는 제휴업체로 안심처리가 가능합니다.  가장 쉽고 편리한 폐차진행 스마트폰으로 회원가입 없이...

Car EnvironCare

Car EnvironCare allows you to use your car’s sensor data to investigate the impact that your driving style has on environmental factors such as...


車咕嚕AI出行秘書 一秒辨識 一指付費 一路暢通 自動智慧洗車服務 想洗就洗不受限 出行秘書 便利行車生活帶著走 智慧停車 出門便利好夥伴 智慧加油 省錢省心好幫手 大數據即時查價 菜鳥變行家 車況透明有保證 售後維修享保固 保修服務線上預約 維護愛車高價值...

Performance Pro

Speed-Wiz Performance Pro has all the car performance calculations and performance simulations you need to build and modify great cars, trucks, motorcycles, and boats....