The Farm
The Farm is a multi-player cross platform strategic racing game to cross the farm to get to the other side guarded by the mysterious...
This game is simple. You can make your Pattern that Consisted of 3 cards. (Attack, Defence, Break) Then you and other player fight with...
Epidemy: The Outbreak
«Epidemy: The Outbreak» is: * a game about fighting an epidemic in the modern world * a semi-boardgame with unique open multiplier mechanics. As...
The First Space Civilization:
Enjoy this atypical City Builder strategy and management game where you will need to do your best to survive and to improve your city...
No futuro pós-apocalíptico de Silo, a única fonte de energia são os chamados Nukes. Os jogadores devem construir torres e enviar seus exércitos para...
>> 百萬玩家在真實的戰場上,生產、發展、結盟、戰鬥、佔領,會產生怎樣的故事? >> 當超多技能和戰法遇見百位武將、五大兵種,能有多少種剋制和搭配? >> 在遊戲中,也能收穫如「艋舺」、「英雄本色」、和劉關張般的兄弟情義嗎? 來這裡一探究竟吧! 《三國志‧戰略版》創造了一個無比真實的策略戰場—— 山河壯闊,這裡真實還原古代戰場。巍峨的泰山、秀麗的九寨溝、歷史上的關卡碼頭…絕不只是「好看」,更是「好玩」,因為所見之處都能為你所用,成為策略比拼的重要部分。利用山谷堵截,利用平原設卡;玩聲東擊西,玩誘敵深入,在這裡你能秀出各式古代兵法、謀略,在最真實的三國,體驗最棒的戰爭臨場感! 你將成為一名三國豪傑,上百位各具特色的武將等你招攬。不僅如此,還有超多的強力戰法任你搭配給愛將們使用,如:燕人咆哮、一身是膽,用你的策略打造獨一無二的陣容吧!別忘了,遊戲還設置了五大兵種,你可以利用兵種相剋,巧妙搭配你的陣容,實現克敵制勝、甚至以少勝多。 那麼,精通戰鬥就所向披靡了?不不不,真正的戰略家都深諳經營之道! 你將從白手起家開始,一步步建設自己的主城。通過攻打不同種類、不同級別的資源地,囤積資源並有策略地分配利用,逐步建設升級你的主城,解鎖更多玩法和功能強大的建築,使你的發育快人一步。遊戲還依據史實,在百萬格的真實大地圖中,設置了超過百座三國歷史上的城池州府、關卡碼頭等你攻略。讓你真正從開局一座城開始,不斷累積資源、探索並擴張領土,打造屬於你的霸業! 等等,誰說戰場只有打打殺殺? 成熟的戰略家都知道,真正的戰場從來少不了人情世故—— 你還可以選擇加入200人的同盟中,結交志同道合的義氣兄弟,感受為同一目標——攻取洛陽、一統九州,而戮力同心的深厚兄弟情。你可以搭著我的肩,我可以靠著你的背;我替你鋪路,你儘管攻城……除了選擇正面開戰,你們也可以遠交近攻,結交各方勢力,體驗真實的三國勢力消長,感受史詩般的超大軍團戰役。最後,別忘了盟內也許會有間諜這回事! 真實的三國,男人的浪漫 這,就是《三國志‧戰略版》! 等等,最重要的是—— 我們承諾:這裡沒有VIP系統,不賣資源不賣兵,把影響戰爭結果的因素最大限度地交給玩家,讓每一個玩家都能享受到策略遊戲的樂趣。 還等什麼?趕緊下載吧! 【遊戲特色】 -見光,見影,見晝夜 3D來襲,光影升級 -亦師,亦友,亦兄弟...
Tic Tac Toe
A simple Tic Tac Toe game with a lokal multiplayer mode and a singleplayer mode which contains 3 diffrent difficulty levels....
Top Diler
Play as a drug dealer, buy cheap, sell more expensive and increase your fortune. A game inspired by the legendary game MaXDila. Support english...
Conquest of Arkland (COA) : Ti
Only the Famed can claim dominion over all of Arkland. Conquer the World! Unite your alliances with other lords, be the King! ■ Diverse...
Kukuxumusu Arena
All characters of Kukuxumusu are here! Do you want to join Kukuxumusu in the battle? ◆ Real-Time Strategy Card Game ◆ Arena is OPEN!...
※權謀破敵,制霸三國,用謀略點燃你的野心!《破敵·三國志》是一款真實還原三國戰役的公平沙盤謀略SLG! ※國際跨服,與日本、韓國玩家同服爭霸,施展權謀,破陣殺敵,誰能一統天下! ※遊戲內四大兵種相互克制,考驗玩家的策略才能,更有八種奇兵類型,讓排兵佈陣更燒腦、更有趣、更爽快! 【與日·韓千萬玩家同服爭霸】 亞太三地千萬玩家的真實戰場 唯有團結與智謀才能傲視群雄 為了榮耀,征服天下吧! 【三國爭霸,快速賽季】 擺脫冗長賽季,享受神速戰爭節奏 超大規模軍團戰即時開打 30天快速賽季,馳騁沙場爽快體驗! 【豎版暢玩,單手佈局】 地緣戰略,真實大地圖自由行軍 排兵佈陣,步步為營 豎屏操作助主公輕鬆單手執掌三國權勢! 【遠交近攻,內鬼策反】 謀略家玩的不只計策,更玩人心 運籌帷幄,謀取天下;上謀攻心,縱橫捭闔 有血有肉才是最真實的三國! 【百種戰法,武將搭配 】 自由配將,以弱勝強才是王道 兵種,武將,戰法,緣分 合理搭配方可使攻城略地事半功倍...
Touhou Flower Fight
This is a deck building log-like collection RPG Explore the dungeon and fight with cards. Information on access rights to smartphone applications ▶Information by...
AMAZE is a game in which the player have to survive and find its way to the end. The player will have only one...
Hit Right
Hit Right oyunun da sizler için hazırlamış olduğumuz en yeni görseller ve en yeni bölümleriyle Her yaş grubuna uygun bir oyun sizlerle. Hit Right...
被人类军击败的魔王失去了力量 沉睡5年醒来后,魔王决定从培养史莱姆开始做起,重新组建起魔王势力击败人类,夺回世界! 不断研发新科技,并夺取人类科技,壮大势力 非数据膨胀式增量游戏,需要考虑各项资源均衡 无内购,可离线 暂不支持平板 欢迎邮件报错 [email protected]...
Flapp Flapp Rocket
Este juego trata de llegar muy lejos con tu cohete e intentar no chocarte. Pásalo bien con este divertido juego....
>> 百萬玩家在真實的戰場上,生產、發展、結盟、戰鬥、佔領,會產生怎樣的故事? >> 當超多技能和戰法遇見百位武將、五大兵種,能有多少種剋制和搭配? >> 在遊戲中,也能收穫如「艋舺」、「英雄本色」、和劉關張般的兄弟情義嗎? 來這裡一探究竟吧! 《三國志‧戰略版》創造了一個無比真實的策略戰場—— 山河壯闊,這裡真實還原古代戰場。巍峨的泰山、秀麗的九寨溝、歷史上的關卡碼頭…絕不只是「好看」,更是「好玩」,因為所見之處都能為你所用,成為策略比拼的重要部分。利用山谷堵截,利用平原設卡;玩聲東擊西,玩誘敵深入,在這裡你能秀出各式古代兵法、謀略,在最真實的三國,體驗最棒的戰爭臨場感! 你將成為一名三國豪傑,上百位各具特色的武將等你招攬。不僅如此,還有超多的強力戰法任你搭配給愛將們使用,如:燕人咆哮、一身是膽,用你的策略打造獨一無二的陣容吧!別忘了,遊戲還設置了五大兵種,你可以利用兵種相剋,巧妙搭配你的陣容,實現克敵制勝、甚至以少勝多。 那麼,精通戰鬥就所向披靡了?不不不,真正的戰略家都深諳經營之道! 你將從白手起家開始,一步步建設自己的主城。通過攻打不同種類、不同級別的資源地,囤積資源並有策略地分配利用,逐步建設升級你的主城,解鎖更多玩法和功能強大的建築,使你的發育快人一步。遊戲還依據史實,在百萬格的真實大地圖中,設置了超過百座三國歷史上的城池州府、關卡碼頭等你攻略。讓你真正從開局一座城開始,不斷累積資源、探索並擴張領土,打造屬於你的霸業! 等等,誰說戰場只有打打殺殺? 成熟的戰略家都知道,真正的戰場從來少不了人情世故—— 你還可以選擇加入200人的同盟中,結交志同道合的義氣兄弟,感受為同一目標——攻取洛陽、一統九州,而戮力同心的深厚兄弟情。你可以搭著我的肩,我可以靠著你的背;我替你鋪路,你儘管攻城……除了選擇正面開戰,你們也可以遠交近攻,結交各方勢力,體驗真實的三國勢力消長,感受史詩般的超大軍團戰役。最後,別忘了盟內也許會有間諜這回事! 真實的三國,男人的浪漫 這,就是《三國志‧戰略版》! 等等,最重要的是—— 我們承諾:這裡沒有VIP系統,不賣資源不賣兵,把影響戰爭結果的因素最大限度地交給玩家,讓每一個玩家都能享受到策略遊戲的樂趣。 還等什麼?趕緊下載吧! 【遊戲特色】 -見光,見影,見晝夜 3D來襲,光影升級 -亦師,亦友,亦兄弟...
God Of Gods
Have you ever felt helpless? Have you ever prayed to god? And have you ever been worse off than your prayers which are responded...
The Chinese zodiac is a traditional classification scheme based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year...
Hero Battle Game
Game is a combination Collectible Card and Strategy Game! Start by building a deck of cards, then play your cards on the battlefield to...
Three Kingdoms Tactics
**Over 70 million downloads in Asia **Winner of Google Play’s Best Game of 2021 in multiple regions **Winner of Google Play 2021 users’ choice...
Epic Stickmans Fights
Epic Stickmans Fights is an exciting turn-based strategy game where your main goal is to eliminate the opposing team. Only the strongest will win!...
Our Last Base : Random Tower D
Tired of playing run-of-the-mill tower defense games? This winter let us bring a new and exciting Tower Defense game to go with your Christmas...
Battle of Predictions – Sports
Fill your sports watching experience with vivid emotions: play for your favorite club in Battle of Predictions! Earn stats, score real goals and three-pointers,...
大クセ違和感クイズ – よく見るとおかしい画像
この画像、何か違和感を感じる… いや、そうはならんでしょ! そんなクセの強い画像をたくさん集めてみました! 画像は全部で210枚!あなたは違和感を感じ取る事ができるかな? ・遊び方 おかしいと思った所をタップするだけ!...
Tank Battle 3D War Tanks Game
Modern Warfare Future Tank Battle, Aircraft Shooting In The With Laser Tank Strike In Military Games. Battle Tank War Machines Simulator World War Machines...
Noir LadyBug for Minecraft PE
Waht is special about our application? It is FREE ! This app is buit into the application itself,you no longer needthe internet connection. You...
Head Light for Minecraft PE
Waht is special about our application? It is FREE ! This app is buit into the application itself,you no longer needthe internet connection. You...
The player controls the ball below to hit the bricks above by touching the screen. Until all the bricks are broken, the falling bricks...
Device Combat
Buy attacks installers with the in-game currency, start a lobby, find an enemy, install that attacks and fight his device!...
Shot Around Hoop
Shot Around Hoop oyunu tek kullanıcılı bir oyundur. Oyun da Her yaş grubuna uygun en yeni bölümler ve en yeni görseller sizlerle. Shot Around...
Flying Dragon Game: Dragon War
We are presenting robot shooting game that combines real fun of robot transforming games in the era of flying robot games 3d. Get ready...
Little Civilisations
Became the nurturing god of newborn culture. Choose how to guide & help them. Within seconds, see them grow and evolve from the spears...
Танчики для двоих 2
Возвращение игры в новых красках!!! Играйте против друзей в свободное время, устраивайте турниры. Также можно попробовать свои силы против телефона. Играйте до первой гибели...
Thức Tỉnh HAKI
Thức Tỉnh HAKI dựa theo chủ đề khá quen thuộc với giới trẻ, từ đó xây dựng nên bối cảnh thế giới rộng lớn...
Car Game Racing 3D Simulator
These 3d ultimate car drift stunt games- impossible routes stunt, Racing car game, car games, car packaging games have become weakness and exciting interface...
Bubble Breaker Contest
Bubble Breaker Contest implements classic Bubble Breaker game. Players can compete with others in either one of the 3 modes: Local, Global, and Duel...
Ancient Empires War Turn based
If you are interested in RPG turn based strategy games, tactical or strategy games like Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem and Civilization, you will like...
Castle Tower Defense | Offline
🔮Offline TD: Tower Defense Game Legend Castle Battle Strategy is one of the great tower defenders games that challenges experienced players like you! 🔥Defend...