Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity
(Available in English Only!) Andromeda isn’t like most other games, it has been slowly developed by one person for years now, and the direction...
Spartacus Gladiator Uprising
Spartacus Gladiator Uprising: RPG Melee Combat Gladiator Spartacus is a melee combat game for free. fight Roman legions and get freedom. Here you are...
Gato y ratón – tres en raya
Juego que permite encontrar primero tres en raya, el que encuentra primero es el ganador....
Police Transports Car Parking
Police Car Parking: Police Cargo Transport Truck Games thrilling adventures Grand Police Game: Modern Car Games is one the finest Mega Police Transport to...
Cooking Travel – Food Truck
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a Manager of a food truck fast restaurant chain? You always would like to found and develop your...
Start playing Flingd today – a challenging strategy/puzzle game that you are sure to love Shoot the mushrooms in each challenging level and earn...
Gold of Town
Капитализм в чистом виде!!! Строй заводы, офисы и банки и вливай свой бюджет. Можешь строить хаты для обычных людей. Или же рубить опыт с...
Tower Defense 3D
Tap & place, hold & drag to merge powerful turrets to beat challenging enemy waves!...
Wizard Dice
Demons and Monsters have invaded our realm! Gather the wizards and defend against the endless waves of evil in thrilling battles! Merge random magic...
Piedra Papel y Tijeras
Ahora gracias a esta App llega el juego clasico de Piedra, Papel y Tijera a tu celular, para que pases momentos de diversión....
Hexa Path GE
Hexa Path is a strategy game. All you need to win is place Hexagons side by side to create a path connecting the two...
헥사곤 랜덤 디펜스
다양한 효과를 가진 타워를 배치하여, 적을 공격하는 랜덤 타워 디펜스류 게임입니다. 각각의 타워는 각기 다른 타입, 등급, 속성을 가지고 있으며, 같은 타워를 드래그하여 합성하면...
Mines Field
Classic game! Great hobby! Explore the minefield, find the mines and disarm them before time runs out!...
Tic Tac Toe
Clasico Juego del gato, Juega al Tic Tac en tu teléfono Android. ¡No es necesario desperdiciar papel para jugar juegos de acertijos! Demuestra tus...
Castle Escape Puzzle
Castle Escape is a puzzle game you just need to get the princess to the red circle to pass the level...
Computer Tycoon
Become a computer tycoon by creating personal computers. From the mid-70s to the present, you have 30 computers available for sale. Follow all the...
ISEPS Idle Particle Simulator
Welcome to ISEPS, the Idle Space Energy Particle Simulator, where you take charge of generating revenue using exotic particles. Craft stunning particle systems with...
Fantasy Defense: Art of War Of
Fantasy Defense: Art of War, Tower Defense Offline 3D is the Art of War tower defense game, where you have to use your impossible...
【游戏简介】 《飓风三国》是一款三国大地图策略SLG沙盒手游,东汉末年群雄割据,洛阳霸业谁能登临?丰富的武将技能,阵容搭配,各位主公任凭喜好培养三国名将。游戏集资源地争夺、战胜npc、同盟对抗、武将收集、阵容搭配、攻城掠地等玩法为一体,美术风格写实,逼真还原三国战场,为各位主公带来全新的SLG策略体验。主公们将在一个接一个的赛季时限中,运筹帷幄,运用自己的谋略智慧,以及同盟间的合作指挥,最后实现霸主征程,所有的结局全部由你书写! 【游戏特色】 1、万人同屏,255万格沙盘大地图战场,东汉十四州、九十六座城池,自由PVP战斗模式,同盟大战,还原真实三国战场。 2、世界任务解锁名将卡包,招募数百位三国名将,增强主公实力,体验和三国群雄一起征战城池,怒破千军。 3、公平的赛季制策略玩法,武将、职业、兵种、装备自由搭配组合,每个赛季,皆拥有不同的游戏体验。 4、简单操作易上手,部队行军无阻拦。战场历练之余,还可以圈地打怪,发展经济,收集武将鉴赏动效图。 【游戏新增特色】 1、新增新手创角“推荐州”奖励。 2、新增势力、兵种、职业情缘,让武将搭配更具策略性。 3、新增同盟仓库,同盟救助,强化游戏社交。 4、更多功能优化,逐步改善玩家游玩中的交互体验。 联系我们: 1.客服微信:hurricanesanguo 2.客服邮箱:[email protected] 3.facebook主页:
Rescue Robot Car Transform
Welcome to flying firefighter robot transforming games 2020 which brings you most challenging city fire rescue missions along with futuristic flying robot car transformation....
Rocket Cross
Esta nueva aventura de nuestro personaje Rocket se presenta como un reto a la física y destreza. La clave para poder pasar niveles sera...
Dum Dum Dinos
Demo for Dum Dum Dinos, a casual strategy & narrative game that follows three dinosaur friends on their adventure in a new land controlled...
Brain Excercise
Los aliens amenazan la Tierra y es tu deber detenerlos. Podrás verlos por unos segundos antes de que se vuelvan invisibles, debes memorizar el...
Adventure Prince
Do you like rescue games? Help the man to rescue the princess and get the treasure in the hero game. Hundreds of levels are...
Influence Classic – Offline
Over time Influence kept growing and changing. The last few years were a great ride – the game grew to 1M installs, we’ve seen...
靈妖記-休閒放置 創新塔防
《靈妖記》是一款創新型塔防遊戲!在遊戲中玩家將體驗到千變萬化的塔防玩法,遠古回廊,星空爭奪,無盡模式等等;配上絢麗的英雄特效,給你身心戰鬥最強體驗!遊戲還融合7v7卡牌回合戰鬥,職業克制組合多變陣容,上百位神仙妖怪,等你來降服!更有巔峰競技盡顯策略風暴,戰略佈局,逆天翻盤!是誰說仙妖殊途!分明仙妖一家親,攜手稱霸三界,掃平成仙之路的一切障礙! 呵,凡人,來推我塔試試? 冥空中一道流星突兀劃過,照亮神魔大戰後荒蕪的土地。 新仙界被撕開的裂縫中,靈力正源源不斷流向人界——而妖族避世也隱匿於人界。 萌萌小妖在朦朧之中也被光芒刺醒。 ——你決定要成為仙人了嗎? 對。 ——要經過千百次的劫難,才能讓真氣注入你的骨,讓元神融入你的肉。縱然你有絕深的功力,這些也未必承受得住。 我可以。 ——即使你成為仙人,也無法左右天命。 但我可以阻止一切的發生,我可以保護我們的家。 人界之門將開,天地間湧起浩蕩的隆隆巨響。 ——還有一件事。會有一個秘密在你身上揭開。那是關於你,和你要改變的一切的秘密。 秘密?那是什麼樣的秘密? ——只有在你成為仙人的一刻,才會知道。 故事,就從這裡開始。 【遊戲特色】 ——仙風童話 萌妖物語—— 小葫蘆中有大世界,妖族遺脈避世遭劫難 可愛小妖為保家園,逆天改命闖蕩鬧三界 雲遊四海!仙境探險!遠古迴廊!決戰群仙! ——輕鬆塔防 佈天羅地網——...
遊戲介紹: 亂世起,豪傑出,據地為王,逐鹿天下!再現經典三國硝煙國戰,群雄匯聚王者爭鋒,一戰攻成殺伐四野,無束縛高自由度戰爭玩法,以戰退敵手,以謀定天下。以帝王之名招募天下名將,內定軍政外拓疆土,遠交近攻合縱連橫,皇城爭奪即時增援,體驗前所未有的萬人激戰!權利的巔峰舉世矚目,王者的雄心等你發掘!亂世方興未艾,唯有善謀者勝,一統天下,由你主宰! 遊戲特色: –內定軍政 外拓疆土– 在主城發展經濟、政務、研究科技、訓練軍隊,將一個小城鎮發展成為戰略要地,積累爭奪天下的力量。對外不斷拓展,清除黃巾軍殘餘勢力,與其他的君主爭奪資源。 –排兵佈陣 即時戰鬥– 八個不同的兵種,自由搭配攻城、防守的陣容,在二十格的範圍內搭配陣型,針對敵軍利用兵種和陣型進行克制,即時操控釋放技能,出其不意攻其不備。 –上兵伐謀 遠交近攻– 制定發展和外交的策略,是偏安一隅等待時機,還是通過掠奪以戰養戰。加入軍團凝聚起一方勢力,在天下群雄中尋找有共同方向和目標的盟友,尋找一條屬於你自己的帝王之路。 –天下英雄 為我所用– 三國時期名將英雄集結,與關羽、呂布等猛將一起征戰沙場,諸葛亮、郭嘉等謀士為你發展內政制定奇謀,不斷招賢納士,與三國時期的英雄一起共謀天下。 –攻城掠地 寸土必爭– 爭奪三國時期的名城,一步一步擴大勢力,擴張自己的版圖,最終與天下群雄一起決戰皇城、爭奪長安,決定天下霸權。 【聯繫我們】 如在遊戲中遇到任何問題,我們非常樂意為您解決,請及時和我們聯繫唷! 官方客訴郵箱:[email protected] 更多訊息請Facebook搜索關注《帝王雄心-烽火三國》官方粉絲團 【請注意】 ※本遊戲內容涉及一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語、角色輕微打鬥、戀愛交友情節,依遊戲軟體分際管理辦法分類為輔12級。...
TowerBall: Idle Incremental TD
Upgrade your tower defense and defend against the falling balls! Build towers and turrets, use strategy to place each defense, earn cash, and destroy...
Mexico dobbelspel
Oplossing voor een onverhoopte situatie waarin er geen dobbelstenen in de buurt zijn. Juiste instellingen kiezen en gaan met die banaan....
Space Hunter
🚀 Embark on an Intergalactic Adventure in Space Hunter! 🌌 Conquer the Cosmos and Crush Pirates in this Thrilling Step-by-Step Strategy Game! 🛰️ Welcome...
US Truck Driving Games 3D
City Truck Driving Game Sim 3D – Truck Simulator 2022 Play cargo transport truck game 3d is an amazing truck driving game. Welcome to...
Draw, Match, Protect!
Protect the keep from thousands of invaders. Manage building construction through card drawing mechanic. Select between different card packs to set up a successful...
War & Conquest: King’s Landing
Back to The Age of Empire War & Conquest: King’s Landing is a war-based real time strategy game. Players will lead the people against...
Robber Barons
Be the prime minister of a fictious Eastern European country and try to channel as much EU funds to your Swiss bank account as...
Warpath: Ace Shooter
Agent: Your assistance is once again required in the fight against Raven’s tyranny. Your mission: To strike at the very heart of Raven. You...
Block 1 To 9
Match the blocks with the same value, they will turn into a block with a greater value. You can initially match the blocks horizontally...
Money Plant | Make your cash g
Create a unique garden where flowers and trees make cash. Remember, money doesn’t grow on flowers in real life. All money received in the...
Hercules XI (Platinum Edition)
What would you do if once you found yourself in Ancient Greece? Young Emma always knew an answer to this question: she would meet...
NANO – NanoSeries
Nano é um jogo de raciocínio e historia, você precisa encontrar saída para os lugares e descobrir a maneira certa de completar as fases,...
Schaakklok | GEEN Advertentie
GEEN ADVERTENTIES! Makkelijk op tijd schaken met deze schaakklok. Super strakke interface en makkelijk in gebruik. Op dit moment standaard 1, 3, 5,10,15 ,30,...
NCT Pixel Art – Kpop Color by
We represent you coloring by number, NCT Pixel Art. Color by number it is antistress toy. NCT Pixel Art games will suit any person....