Bimaru – find the hidden ship parts! Bimaru is about finding missing ship parts – only with logic! Like Sudoku, all puzzles are solvable...
Roll From ‘Da Spikes!
Take control of Blue Guy; a sentient blue ball who isn’t too impressed by his sole purpose in life. Which is to roll from...
Great Patriotic War
Great Patriotic War is a turn-based boardgame-styled strategy wargame set on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. From Joni Nuutinen: by a...
Panic Sphere
Dans Panic Sphere vous devez pousser des sphères de couleur dans leur boîtes respective !...
潘朵拉的迴響:Echoes of Pandora
事前預約30萬達成全服送【專屬稱號:末日司令、SSR裝備箱、SR潘朵拉任選卡】 事前預約突破50萬人加碼全服送【十連開發許可】 七日登入再追加免費送【SSR-重坦虎王、時裝-要遲到了、30連抽】!!! 「EOP時序管理局通告-DATE:Aug.26th,2120)」 即便已有如此多的潘朵拉在時序戰場中犧牲…吾等仍無法阻止魔方戰爭之勢… SPHINX已於先前遭遇戰中取得管理局機密等級XS級的「時序定位」關鍵技術文件 以絕對破壞力著稱的「獅式中隊」、「象式殲擊隊」都將陸續投入時序戰場,搶奪魔方 為了逆轉終將來臨的末日,管理局現正式宣告: 「魔方戰爭全面開啟!」 請各A人類指揮官帶領所有潘朵拉人型兵器,聯合火神工業、地球防衛軍 不論犧牲,全力爭奪魔方。 潘朵拉少女們,我相信,時空彼端終會迴響汝等之心願 (文件自毀程式啟動…) 【一線聲優、豪華助陣】 小倉唯(變態王子與不笑貓-筒隱月子) 鬼頭明里(鬼滅之刃-禰豆子) 上坂すみれ(中二病也想談戀愛-早苗) 水瀬いのり(Re:從零開始的異世界生活-雷姆) 等超過50名聲優完整配音收錄! 【隨機EVENT沙盤戰場】 告別無腦推圖!隨機事件沙盤戰場系統,玩家在每個戰場中,除了殲滅敵人之外,更有隊友搭救、魔盒通道、其它勢力亂入、隱藏獎勵、BOSS戰、隱藏關卡鑰匙收集等目標可以達成。 【無限戰術編成組合】 重坦、中坦、輕坦、步兵、隊長機甲、殲擊車、支援單位,不同職業應對不同場合,搭配沙盤戰場,將可組合出數以千計的陣容及技能搭配! 誰說卡牌手遊無腦不耐玩?潘朵拉除了有200名以上的精美角色卡牌可以收集外,更有豐富的策略編成要素!...
Idle Zoo Island
Do you aspire to manage your own zoo? Begin by creating a magnificent animal park filled with content animals in this enjoyable and quickly...
Tournament of the Elements
Singleplayer auto chess game! A 2D autobattler currently in development. Single player against 7 AI players or varying difficulty! Play whenever and wherever you...
Chickamauga Battles
The first major battle of the Civil War was fought in Georgia, from September the 18th-20th 1863. The Battle of Chickamauga was the most...
Cash Grab – Stealth Strategy F
GRAB. THAT. CASH! Infiltrate buildings and sneak past guards on your way to the vault in this simple and accessible action strategy game. Grab...
Use your dice to attack enemy territories, expand your land and conquer the whole map! Choose your team color and start playing solo against...
Pions 12
Le Pions 12 encore appelé “Wouré” est un jeu de société d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Il est essentiellement joué au Sénégal. Ce simple jeu de...
Stock Market
A simple virtual stock market game. Buy stocks at low price and sell at high price. Try to maximize your profit in 20 days....
Lucky Domino
Domino paling asyik untuk kamu! Gratis tanpa biaya apa pun loh! [Keunggulan Domino] 1. Ini game gratis! Tidak perlu bayar biaya apa pun! 2....
Blox is an interactive 2D Puzzle Game. Push the hamsters across the field so that each field has been passed once. When all fields...
Bus Simulator – Driving Games
Realistic Coach Bus New Simulator Game – A wonderful experience of Indian public transportation games. Indian City Bus Simulator: Bus Games 2022 where you...
Pregnant games Mommy in Hospit
Pregnant Princess is an online pregnant game, it’s playable on all smartphones or tablets, Samira is pregnant! Now, she has so many things to...
Last Kingdom: Defense
Defend the last remaining kingdom from the invasion of the alien empire, Zac! Strategic castle-raising game with a completely different fun You can grow...
Turtle Robot Shooting Game 3D
Get ready to play robot wars game with new squad of realistic robot transform feature. Join the robots battle land and compete with other...
The Expansion : Tactical Space
The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget...
Monsters War: Epic TD Strategy
Collect, evolve and battle with unique monsters in one of the most epic tower defense game ever. FEATURES ★ Over 20 collectible monsters with...
Legendary: Tactical Arena
Legendary: Tactical Arena Turn-based tactical multiplayer brawler where you command popular legendary creatures and fight for glory on a battle royale style arena. ·...
Merge Spaceships – Idle Space
Match spaceships to evolve them and become the greatest and richest tycoon in the galaxy. Get rid of stress and flex your brain muscles...
TV Tycoon
Become a television tycoon in TV Tycoon game.Buy production lines and launch new TV. 30 televisions presented from 1930 – 2020....
Wild Gorilla Game: Smash City
In Our City Smasher Gorilla attack city game Get ready for an exciting adventure in the Wild Gorilla Game: Smash City Rampage. Play as...
Grow Army
Neat little strategy featuring creative gameplay, immersive mechanics, and 2D pixel art visuals. Set up your troops, get into battle, and watch your glorious...
KT: Misja na Marsa – prolog
Wejdź do gry i podejmij się misji podbicia czerwonej planety! Buduj Komp Town, nadzoruj prace nad powstawaniem centrum kosmicznego i wraz z profesorem Kompetentnym...
Dirt Bike Racing Games Offline
Dirt Bike Motor Cross Racing Hello, my biker racers! Are you ready to get on the next level of dirt track racing? We designed...
Kitchen Family
The most addictive time management cooking games! Kitchen Family will bring you the best digital cooking experience! Cook food of different flavors with professional...
War of Destiny
The War of Destiny is coming. After planning for 20 years, the Imperial Army is about to launch its attack. The people of Earth...
Tic-Tac-Toe on Flutter
Classic Tic-Tac-Toe game written on Flutter for Android and iOS made by Temirbekova Dilnaz telegram:@periwteemes...
War In Graveyard
– ném những quả bom vào zombie để giết chúng. – có 4 cấp độ cho bạn lựa chọn. – zombie cấp độ cao...
World Leaders
Game Story The dawn of a new world is upon us, and a global battle for supremacy ensues. Will you rise as the supreme...
CH Challenge
Ofrecer una herramienta, innovadora, sencilla y fácil de emplear, para ser usada a nivel empresarial, educativa o formativa. Este reto fue pensado inicialmente, como...
建設要塞、遠征強敵,全球對戰手遊新指標,用一萬種戰術擊敗對手! *新形態卡牌對戰-萬種戰術任你挑 戰術最自由多變,全球對戰手遊新指標,玩法系統再進化!建設兵營、採集資源、科技升級、指揮作戰,四大致勝系統全由你掌握,可快可龜、可推可農,結合對線推塔玩法,再創戰場榮光! *操控專屬指揮官-稱霸戰場大野望 操控你的專屬指揮官,與你並肩作戰!每位指揮官都有獨特的戰場特性與技能,使用指揮官大絕招,一舉討伐來襲敵軍! *6分鐘激速對戰-1秒連點狂出兵 任選位置連續點擊,光速造出雄偉大軍,沒有廢話、立馬開打!戰火一觸即發,氣氛瞬間白熱化!極短時間內,感受爾虞我詐的戰場張力。 *全卡牌即時挑選-拚科技搶先升級 在戰局中即時挑選最多6張卡牌單位!一二三階單位都能使用!由你預測對手打法、即時搭配陣容,無論是雜兵海猛推快攻、直升科技精兵輾壓,最競技的RTS回來了! *雙人組隊守要塞-戰勝敵軍大Boss 36波強敵來襲,兩人組隊,堅守城池!一起活下來,爭取更高的榮譽獎勵! *超RUSH致命快攻-爆經濟龜仙打法 除了兵種搭配與剋制,還能善用即時戰略的多樣致勝系統,打出隨機多變的戰術——利用戰爭迷霧突襲對手、狗頭小兵鬧晶礦、砲陣地龜家大法、建設兵營爆人口、無上限法力經濟流……各派打法,齊聚復興! *假撤兵回收法力-等時機趁虛出擊 對線戰爭,力求精準控兵!指揮殘血單位返回要塞,回收大量珍貴法力!藉機升上頂級科技、部署超威武力, 專家級 High-Level 控兵技巧,等您來挑戰! ~~注意事項~~ ※本遊戲依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為 : 輔12級。 ※本遊戲涉及性、暴力、人物打鬥之非血腥畫面、遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾但不涉及性暗示。 ※請避免沉迷遊戲。...
Fantasy Tower Defense
Fantasy Tower Defense! Build up your turrets and protect your tower! Download for the newest Fantasy Tower Defense game and make your best strategy...
Cyber Era
🔥Welcome to Cyber Era! 🔥 The story takes place in a futuristic cyberpunk world where humanity is in a fierce war against AI threats,...
Tic Tac Toe Game
The Tic Tac Toe is a great way to pass your free time whether you are standing in line or spending time with your...
Stability est un 1 vs 1 en temps réel, construisez des murs, tourelle, ou panneau solaire afin de surpassé votre adversaire et de le...
rectangle max 2020
This minimalist skill game is easy to play, but hard to master – and insanely addictive! Perfect timing is crucial: tap at the right...
GT Car Stunt: Car Racing Games
HUB G Simulation presents a GT Car Stunt Racing Extreme 3D. Are you ready for the ultimate driving challenge that the GT Car Stunt...
Jumpi Jumpi
Jumpi Jumpi es El juego ue se hizo entendencia en este 2023 y que vendra por mas tiempo es un juego de tipo Helix...
Now Zombies
Now Zombies is a game about a zombie outbreak, the victims of which become zombies. In the first scene you will see a map...
snake block 2020
Swipe Your Finger On The Screen To Guide A Snake Of Chain Balls & Try To Break Maximum Blocks. Try to break bricks as...