マンカラ(mancala) -traditional boa

世界中で遊ばれている伝統的なボードゲームであるマンカラをアプリゲームにしました。マンカラは、将棋やチェス、囲碁のように、運の要素のない二人零和有限確定完全情報ゲームの1種です。ルールは極めてシンプルですが、先を読む力が試される奥の深いゲームになっています。 1台のスマホやタブレットを2人で交互に操作して遊ぶタイプのアプリです。(CPUボタンを使用することで1人でも遊べます。) ぜひ、ダウンロードして、遊んでみてください。...


首個以綠色為主題的策略性塔防手機遊戲–回收英雄! 在遊戲中, 你與社工一齊合作, 發掘各區回收大使, 一同拯救我們的城巿。...

Cube 3D Puzzle

Amazing logic puzzle with 3d cube 3×3! Try to solve this magic cubik – rotate all sides so that each face will be painted...


A família é como um barco no mar tempestuoso deste mundo. Quando todos remam juntos, com amor e cooperação, ela sempre chega ao cais...

Geometry Ship

This game will spur your creativity to compile each available geometry item to become a spaceship. And this ship will glide to face every...

Horse Robot Transforming Game

In Multi transform game, mech horse robots game is an exciting modern city mania with multiple mech robot wars. With multi robot transformations, involve...

Art of Defense : Kule Savunma

Her seviyede gelen farklı düşmanları yendikçe yeni kuleler yapın ve kulelerinizi geliştirin....

Local Heroes

The community needs a band of Local Heroes to come to the rescue. You will need to provide food, transport and other necessities, and...

Slime dungeon: Defender

A simple game that you become a dungeon master and a slime. Breed an army of slime, defend your dungeon, collect your enemy’s soul,...

Mesafeni Koru

Herkes çok hızlı hareket ediyor, onları birbirinden uzaklaştır. Aman sakın çarpışmasınlar yoksa baştan başlarsın! ★ 3 Farklı Mekan ★ Türkiyenin Bütün İlleri ★ 12...

Angry Penguin

✹ Angry Penguin Birds is a shooting game, who use a slingshot to launch the birds at structures, the birds island need your skill...


無料の漢字読み当てゲームです。 ルールは簡単、二択の中から正解を選ぶだけ! レベルは小学校1年生~名人級!?まで。 ちょっとした隙間時間にお勉強をしましょう。...

鬥將 – 全新策略系仙俠手遊

百戰激鬥 將魂逆天! 全新策略系仙俠手遊邀你一起狂傲鬥技! 白華新戰區正式開啟! 洪荒時代,支撐天地的不周山崩頹,此後天災人禍不斷,妖獸鬼魅橫生作亂,直至以不舟山殘骸鑄造的九只龍紋鼎出現,天地亂象終於平息。然而,和平的年代容易滋養人心的黑暗,這些黑暗汙染著龍紋鼎,致使保護力量減弱,災難又再次降臨。 為應對時局之變,鬼谷子秘密成立了一個叫做「逆命師」的組織,玩家將在遊戲內成為組織的一員,以奇門遁甲往來於時空之中,監管龍紋鼎的動態,阻止在黑暗中潛伏的心魔的陰謀…… 遊戲特色 【仙俠謀策 即時計略排布奇陣】 仙俠=MMORPG?NO,告別層出不窮的仙俠MMORPG套路,打造仙俠卡牌即時策略對戰玩法。六大職業五種屬性,速度、控場、恢復、無敵等多樣化戰場效果,由玩家親手打造獨一無二的最佳逆命師陣容。 【巔峰競技 激鬥天下絕無冷場】 豐富競技系統,從個人競技場、實時匹配對戰到跨服王者激鬥等,多樣化PVP玩法絕對滿足你對鬥技的渴望!誰說仙俠PVP都是課金戰力遊戲?鬥將讓你以智謀將鬥天下! 【精緻3D 輕鬆徜徉國風江湖】 精緻國風美術,超越卡牌遊戲推關框架;以超過25個場景的開放式大地圖打造令人驚艷的仙俠世界。玩家可在地圖上輕鬆遊歷各地並與親友們進行交互與活動,盡情徜徉於美麗的鬥將江湖之中。 【百將登場 群俠參戰將鬥江山】 跨越五千年,超過百位歷史名將登場參戰!耳目一新的李白、韓信、鬼谷子、妲己將碰撞出不一樣的火花,等待著玩家們加入《鬥將》的世界調兵遣將,挖掘不同武將的獨特魅力。 【隨心裝扮 專屬外觀靚麗全場】 全個性化專屬外觀,從逆命師到武將皆可自由選用不同的時裝造型,搭配各路萌寵特色坐騎,隨心所欲裝扮自我,你就是這《鬥將》世界中最靚的一顆新星! ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※本遊戲涉及暴力...

AO Switch 8

This game is free, without advertising, non intrusive On a 17-position board, 8 black pins are placed in the left positions and 8 black...

Kingdom of Force Demo

This is a demo version. Please click the following link to download the full version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.HydraGamesStudio.KingdomOfForce Built in advertising? Never! Payment for items? Never!...


DPanic is a game taking place outter space. Where rings spin and enemies hide in armor this outter space adventure is OUTTA!HERE...


魔女につかまり家に閉じ込められてしまった。 部屋の中を探索しアイテムを駆使して脱出しよう 比較的短めなので暇つぶしに遊んでください。 終わったらすぐアンインストールできるので容量の邪魔にもなりません!...

Stickman Archer: Spear Warrior

Stickman Archer: Spear Warrior is an exciting, intense physics game. Many weapons and equipment to become a legend. Want to become a legendary archer...

Fun Shot Number

Fun Shot Number oyununda sizler için hazırlamış olduğumuz en yeni görseller ve en yeni bölümler ile sizlerle. Fun Shot Number oyununda yapamanız gereken şey;...

Merge Defense 3D

Merge Defense 3D is an easy to play but challenging tower defense game with numbers! Train your brain with calculating and multiplying, think ahead...

Jetski Boat Racing: Boat Games

Dive into the ultimate aquatic adventure with our jet ski boat stunt racing game. Get ready to experience the heart-pounding action of a jet...

Convert Shogi versus

AI battle Mode incomming!! you can choice local board multiplay or AI Single mode. This is a shogi game called Japanese chess with special...


我々は、3の倍数のことをあまりにも知らな過ぎたようだ。 運でも勝てる?運だけじゃ勝てない? 2個でも消える?10個でも消えない? つながっている同じマークの数字の合計が、3の倍数になるとサンバイダーだ! その数字の合計が相手へのダメージになります。 連鎖で攻撃力倍増だ。大逆転を狙おう! ハートを消すと回復するよ。 HPを選ぶことで、ハンデ戦が行えます。 強い人も、初心者も、みんなでサンバイダー!! 大学入試問題をヒントに生まれた落ちゲーです。 3の倍数でないものと、3の倍数でないものがつながったときに3の倍数となる確率は2分の1なので、適当に積んでも意外と連鎖が起こります。 難しく考えないで楽しんでください。 ゲーム内の素材は、以下のフリー素材のサイト様から使用させていただきました。 感謝を申し上げます。 背景:素材good 様 効果音:魔王魂、On-Jin~音人~、OtoLogic、効果音ラボ、nakano sound 様 BGM:甘茶の音楽工房 様 各素材の著作権は各サイト様にあり、2次利用は禁止されています。 2019年6月に思いつき、プログラミング初心者の状態からunityで作り始め、挫折して6か月中断し、その後なんとか作り上げ、2020年4月24日に1人用を公開することができました。これはそのサンバイダーの対戦用です。 演出面など個人作製感が強いですが、ご容赦下さい。...

Loạn Thế Tranh Bá

Loạn Thế Tranh Bá là một game mobile chiến lược thách thức tính chiến thuật, cần người chơi sử dụng tài nguyên hợp lý,...

Падение Героев: защита замка з

Используйте ловушки и монстров, чтобы защитить замок от назойливых героев. Примерьте на себя роль повелителя тьмы и защитите свой злой замок от набегов назойливых...

Grand Police Robot Car Game

Top new flying grand police car and us police helicopter game can fly too! Tighten your seat belt and be more careful because chopper...

Gumballs & Dungeons(G&D)

Das beste Abenteuer-Rollenspiel des Jahres 2016 kostenlos zum Download! Dieses kostenlos zu spielende Abenteuer in der Welt der alten Germanen bestreitet man nur mit...

Divide Game

This game includes 1. 3 x 3 matrix divide game 2. 4 x 4 matrix divide game It includes Background music and sounds that...

Heroes Downfall: evil castle d

Use traps and monsters to protect the castle from annoying heroes. Try on the role of the Lord of Darkness and protect your evil...


A two player challenging game which dare you to pass through every number without crossing the way and return back to home. in this...

Two Shots Brick Breaker 3D

Will you be able to smash all the bricks under the given conditions? Let’s see how awesome you can be. This is a very...

Runestrike CCG

Enter the world of Runestrike, where mortal Champions battle to master powerful runes and overthrow ancient gods. Runestrike is an online turn-based card game...

Tateti XO

Tic Tac Toe ( Tres en raya, Juego del gato, Triki, o tateti) es gratis para Android! Juega contra tu propio teléfono, o juega...

Line of Fire: Strategic Defens

Fan of strategy games? Or maybe you are just looking for something to entertain you for a few minutes? Look no further, for Line...

Tic Toc Toe Fruits

Have fun with the tic tac toe fruit game. There is many options you can choose from different level and mode one or more...

내가왕이라면:고전 전략 시뮬레이션 게임

역사를 무대로 삼아 다투는 고전 전략 시뮬레이션 게임 ‘내가 왕이라면’! 고대 관료 생활을 직접 느껴 보며 운명을 지배하라 1.역사를 빛내는 문객들과 함께 전투하라 수백...


직접 판타지속의 영웅이 되어 자신만의 전략으로 100층의 마신까지 클리어하세요! 판타지감성을 느끼고 싶거나 전략게임을 좋아하는 분들께 추천합니다. 버그 및 의견사항은 카페에 글을 올려주시면 감사합니다. —-...

War Leaders Tank Invasion Free

A strategy game that allow you to deploy tanks, aircraft, defensive systems. Your main goal is to conquer all enemies bases and end the...

Tower Defense

Can you hold off against the invasion as long as you can? Fight against the hordes of enemies with 34 different types of towers....

Kingdom Of Force

Built in advertising? Never! Payment for items? Never! Once paid, you will get the full game! And, You would get free updates to subsequent...


A mathematical strategy turn-based combat game where your main goal is to defeat your enemies using only basic operations as your main and only...

Blok Dizme Oyunu

Blok Dizme Oyunu Diyelim ki, ve büyük kuleler inşa gibi bu oyunda çok çok blok yığını deneyin olduğunu görelim. mükemmel blok istifleme tarafından en...

Bul Bakalım

Şansına güveniyor musun? Bakalım Enes Bey’den güzel bir teklif alabilecek misin?...

Rook Warp – Rogue Star

Command your rook through an endless maze of randomly generated maps to defeat enemies and collect stars. Engage with turn-based combat sequences that allow...

Taş Kulesi

Bu minimalist beceri oyunu oynamak kolaydır, ama usta zor ve delicesine bağımlılık yapar. Mükemmel zamanlama çok önemlidir: blokları üst üste istiflemek ve en yüksek...


During the pandemic of zombie plague infection, a virus infected 80% of the population and turning them into hordes of unstoppable walking dead zombies...


LazerGrrl is a fast-paced pvp strategy game. Furious action combined with the strategic depth of an RTS. Find the right balance between building your...

Jogo da Velha

O bom e velho jogo da velha. dispute com amigos para ver quem é o melhor....