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Planet Pi

This game combines elements of idle game and strategy * Add buildings to get more resources, and start conquering the world * Train soldiers...

Tactical Assault Commander

TACTICAL ASSAULT COMMANDER is a combat strategy simulation game. Assume command of an elite five-man combat squad! Manage your squad’s economy by selecting the...

War Goonz – Strategy PvP Game

POST-APOCALYPSE NOW! Attack other players and defend your personal slice of the Wasteland against zombies, aliens, mutants, and monsters. Collect unique Goonz and Towers...



Galcon: Space Battle – PVP

Real-Time Strategy. Online multiplayer game against each other. Or you can play with Bots. But it is only the first Beta version. Bots are...


This new brain training puzzle game feels so good that even adults are getting hooked! Is your brain starting to get a little rusty?...

Taxi Games: City Car Driving

Offroad Taxi Games: City Driving School Mode Take charge in this gadi wala game! The role of a taxi driver awaits you in our...

Blocks Attack!: Occupation

Blocks Attack !: Occupation Take over the block and make it according to your block color. Reach victory by taking over all the blocks...

Chess Queen,Rook,Bishop & Knig

ENJOY THE CHESS PUZZLES !!! This game consists of following three chess problems based on Queens, Knights, Rooks and Bishops : Qureen and Rook...

Nida Harb 3: Alliance War

Forge alliances between empires and command your army into this World War Modern military SLG game. This modern warfare strategy game is full of...

Monster Truck Racing Car Games

Looking for speed monster car stunts games or monster truck racing games on offroad towing race 4×4 trucks with the mad truck challenge? You...

Blue for life:Pick up garbage

Project to protect our sea ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ Please find 50 pieces of garbage. ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ ▼There are various kinds of garbage that can be unsuitable for...


Welcome to the NEXT GENERATION OF MOBILE STRATEGY! WARFAIR is a real-time competitive strategy game set in the war-torn near future, currently in Beta....

Front Armies [RTS]

Build up your base, explore the map to gather resources, research new technologies, build unique land, sea and air units, lead your army and...

Traffic Trap

You are the traffic controller and a thief has just robbed a house. The police is not catching the thief as the thief moves...

Wall Of Lava Volcano Cars 3D

It is realistic lava hills dangerous driving free and speed impossible Prado lava driving game. New drive car jump in lava challenge is a...

THE HUNTER Werewolf horror st

Pathbook with 36 different endings. Werewolf HORROR interactive book with Multiple Endings. Dare to be the main character and hunt werewolves. FEATURES: -36 different...

Epic Battle: Advance War

Epic Battle Simulator: Advance War is the amazing new battle strategy game based on the concept of human warriors. Build the most furious and...

Tractor Farming Game Harvester

Get ready to play with a big tractor farming simulator. Welcome to farming tractor game of 2023. It is a real combine harvester 3D...

Tic Tac Toe

Now you can play Tic Tac Toe from your mobile device, no matter where you are. Tic Tac Toe shows you the time and...

Tower Defense – Army strategy

Hello the hero! No internet connection needed, this is offline castle defense games. You will join the army to make heroes battle. Hostile forces...

Gnomes Garden 5: Halloween

Once upon a time, on a day like any other, the princess received a mysterious letter from a distant relative living in a land...

Grow Zombie inc

Pixelstar games merge strategy Idle Merge game ‘ Grow Zombies’ has arrived! Abandoned + synthetic + Merge + strategy game + defense Addictive synthesis...

Call of War

The world is on the brink of war. You can play in real-time. Show your skills with tank clashes, naval battles, air combat and...

Case Blue

Case Blue: Panzers To Caucasus. From Joni Nuutinen: by a wargamer for the wargamers since 2011. In spring 1942, the Wehrmacht was preparing to...

Block Puzzle : Falling Fitting

[How To Play] BPWood is the classic fitting block and falling block puzzle game. Simple to play but hard than you think and very...

Dragon Warrior Tower Defense

Dragon Warrior Tower Defense is strategy Games. The best tower defense games and many more feature and weapon. Enjoy an exciting Kingdom Defense Gameplay....

Chief Almighty

Experience the intense thrills of the Jurassic era as you dive into a clash of fire, beasts, and stone to become the Chief Almighty....

Epic Battle: Stickman Warriors

Enjoy stickman warriors to build a furious army to fight battles and emerge victorious. Witness the clash of stickman in this classic style clash...

Travian Farm Search

With this app, you can search targets to attack on a Travian server. Please send feedback via the app menu Ask for new features...

Heroes Battle

Not just another card arena game, Heroes Battle brings brand new experiences to real-time multiplayer battle games with two new features; Race Battles and...

Driving School Sim Car Parking

Welcome to this Driving School Sim Car Parking game. A modern car parking driving simulator is one of the best car driving game ....

Battlevoid: Sector Siege

Battlevoid: Sector Siege is an epic straight into action real-time space strategy game, in which you take command of human forces with the task...


Sheltered is a post-apocalyptic disaster management game that gives a whole new meaning to the term “nuclear family”. Given a head-start over the billions...


Move the balls on the board to compose continuous vertical or horizontal lines of 5 or more balls of the same color in order...

World Tanks War: Offline Games

FIGHT FURIOUS TANK WARS EVER! Get ready tank masters! Join the millions of players and fight epic tank battles with heavy blasts in the...

Guns of Glory: Asia

Get ready for the next stage of warfare with the free strategy MMO Guns of Glory! GoG’s thrilling multiplayer RTS and RPG gameplay lets...


An AI ship full of frozen colonists must find the best planet to be the new home of the human race. A randomly-generated text-based...

Tower Defense Galaxy

This is a modular tower defense game that will allow for the easy addition of themes(Which contain all entity logic and assets) and levels....

Sky Invader

Sky invader is a fun and compelling game for all ages. Draw vertical and horizontal lines to partition the balls into smaller spaces. Once...


Strategiespiel Käsekästchen / Dots and Boxes mit vielen spannenden Funktionen: – 2 – 4 Spieler gegeneinander auf einem Gerät (lokaler Multiplayer) – Alleine gegen...

大人のなぞなぞ – 1日5分の脳トレなぞなぞアプリ

iOSで100万ダウンロード突破した大人気アプリがAndroidでも登場! 謎解きが好きな方。 脳トレをしたい方。にオススメの脳トレなぞなぞアプリです。 知識や常識はほとんど必要ありません。 頭を柔らかくして考えてください。 1問1答形式の問題を100問用意。 ヒント、解答、解説付きなので最後まで楽しく遊べます。 ひっかけ問題やいじわる問題も多数あり柔軟な思考力が求められます。 あなたは全問解けますか?...

Card Library Royale

Aprende a atacar y a defenderte estratégicamente conociendo las cartas efectivas en contraataque y defensa. Conoce las características de cada carta en cada nivel...

Viking Village

Viking Village is a captivating, free-to-play real-time strategy game overflowing with pure enjoyment! ★ A variety of Heroes with unique abilities and adorable Pets,...

Match Hearts

✿Match Hearts gives a new touch to the match 3 in a row type of games. It’s not following the norm. The change is...

Pink Trailer Truck Car Carrier

Are you looking for a car carrier cargo game? Pink Lady Trailer Truck Driver adventure is what which will fulfill your desires of becoming...


《三國群英傳-霸王之業》官方粉絲團 即刻加入粉絲團就能獲得最新消息 https://www.facebook.com/KingdomHeroes.RTE/ 《三國群英傳-霸王之業》是首款三國群英傳策略手遊,玩家可以在精緻美術構築的歷史三國中擁有屬於自己的一方城池;透過內城建設、招兵買馬、尋訪武將、施展計謀等方式提升實力,打造屬於自己的三國霸業,演繹一方諸侯的崛起之路。遊戲以一流的美術表現,立體全面的策略維度,豐富的沙盤模擬經營方式,特色的武將派遣玩法,帶給玩家真實的三國主公體驗。 最多樣的策略玩法: 開疆拓土、攻伐城市、天下霸主、舌戰群儒、攻伐黃巾、禦城試煉、資源徵收、沙場殺敵、陣營紛爭、天子懸賞、群英戰吕布、荆州爭奪戰、群雄爭霸、平亂先鋒、抵禦匈奴、絲綢之路、淪陷城池、君臨天下、剿滅鐵衣衛、九州一統、外夷入侵、界橋之戰、合縱之戰。 君臨天下:三國風采實景重現 水墨式寫實風格,恢弘城池內景,宏偉世界地圖,漢風景觀盡收眼底,端遊級的寫實畫風、獨特的3D視覺效果為主公打造頂級三國征戰盛宴。 戰略推演:運籌帷幄之中,決勝千里之外 你無法重現上一秒所發生的狀況,更無法預測下一秒會發生的事件,必須以有限的資源進行無限的擴張,同時接受來自四面八方的挑戰。 內政經營:鎮國撫民,給餉饋,不絕糧道 完美結合模擬經營與戰場策略玩法,展現更為真實的三國世界,只有安內方能攘外,在一張一弛間保持平衡以謀求最高效的王者之路。 無雙名將:連百萬之眾,戰必勝,攻必取 模擬最真實的三國戰場,橫掃千軍成帝業,攻城掠地征四方,朝著成為一州之主、一郡之長的目標前進,氣吞萬里江山,下一位霸王就是你。 聯盟對抗:出使四方合縱連橫 團結力量大,三國不是一個人玩的!唯有群策群力,方能克敵制勝!萬人激戰盡露鋒芒,與盟友同進退,共同開創霸王之業。 ※因本遊戲情節涉及有打鬥、攻擊等未達血腥之畫面,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,內另有提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。...