Art Of War: Unified Galaxy
The other Tower Defense Game Quantum is a realtime strategy in the spirit of Galcon and Eufloria. You are in control of creatures that...
City Island 4: Build A Village
Play the most popular big city building simulation game series on mobile! Build a City: Are you ready to build your own big city...
3 Cards
3 Cards is a fun and intuitive game that will challenge you. The objective of the game is to get rid of cards and...
Winter War: Suomussalmi Battle
Battle of Suomussalmi is a turn based strategy game set on the border area between Finland and the USSR during the Second World War....
This is a time of battles, alliances, and spies…it is a time of Conquest! Using your army you seek to conquer other Lords who,...
Infinite Borders
With over 10 millions downloads, Infinite Borders is one of the most popular strategy game in East Asia. When you enter Infinite Borders, you...
Revolution of everyone
As a strategy-based game, Your must conquer castles with your revolution army. 8 different resources to control, they’ll be replenished by your companions whom...
Turret Defense: BTD Battles
Your mission is to defense our cities and castles. Also, defending the city will critically help citizens in the city take back their lands...
Operation Typhoon Wargame
A fan of WW2 strategy wargames? Like to move counters around a hex printed wargame board? Then this is the wargame for you! The...
Heroes of Magic
You will play a role as a hero that master the elements spells (fire, water, air and earth) and also have capabilities to build...
Frost & Flame: King of Avalon
King Arthur fell in battle, a victim of the betrayal of his nephew Mordred. Now, his body lies in a fortress on the sacred...
Viking Clan: Ragnarok
Viking Clan is the largest online text based Viking adventure MMORPG. Do you have what it takes to prove yourself worthy of Valhalla? Choose...
Game of Survivors – Z
Download Now! Receive a $10 Value Recruit Pack for FREE! 100+ Heroes assist you in becoming the ruler of the world! Battle with players...
Money Clicker – Cash Simulator
Money Clicker – Cash Simulator is one of the best click idle game. You need to click on the screen and simple get money....
Art of War 3:RTS strategy game
А unique classic real-time strategy game with direct control – for true commanders who are not afraid to face the enemy in real-time PvP...
Crawlio Pro
Pro version is harder than the original No lag! Joysticks! Easy Control! Develop your slither skills! Weave through a maze of enemy snake. Crawlio...
Click It!
In this application you have to click on the main button until its color will be red. The target is to avoid clicking the...
Miniature Cell Explorer(1.0)
LOGIC IS VERY EASY BUT YOU WILL NEED A STRATEGY TO WIN… It is a mini variant of the famous “Mine Sweeper” game. This...
Tank Clash
Tank Clash is a turn based artillery game like worms or warlings where You can go battle with computer opponent or with real opponent...
Police Car Driving Stunt Game
Welcome to police car driving stunts simulation 3d game in the category of modern real car driving games. BF Games Studio presents latest car...
Zombie Tower Defense
Strategy game where you have 7 levels for fun , each level contains 3 levels of difficulty seeing that abilities have and to collect...
記憶ゲーム – チョイス アームズ!
町をモンスターが襲撃してくる! 武器屋に来店する戦士たちに、注文通りに武具を売れ! 注文は、アイコン表示で次々に表示されます。 それを記憶し、一覧表示されるアイコンの中から注文された武具を選び出してください。 間違った品物を渡された戦士は、本来の強さを発揮できません。 襲撃してくるのが弱いモンスターの内は、ある程度間違えても大丈夫。 戦士たちは町を守り抜いてくれます。 しかし、強大なモンスターともなればそうもいきません。 町を守るため、より早くより正確に武具を売り渡せ!...
Bloody Hands, Mafia Families
Do you have what it takes to be the next mafia boss? Are you the next godfather? „Who are those politicians that think they...
Circle Defender
Peace, joy, happiness and peace – in this perfect world is everything. You become the head of all round and peaceful creatures, their world...
Master of War : Strategy Game
Establish your own kingdom with ancient buildings! Create a mighty army with various ancient warriors! Face your enemies and plunder their kingdoms! Be the...
Split Brain
Split Brain is a game designed to take your skills and concentration to the limit . With both thumbs you must dodge obstacles that...
Pixel Soldiers: Gettysburg
Pixels Soldiers: Gettysburg is a tactical turn based strategy game set during mid 19th Century America. The Confederacy is invading the North, and you...
Arms Dealer
Do you have what it takes to be the worlds best Arms Dealer? The object of the game is to make as much money...
Fleet Battle School
Fleet Battle School is a SERIOUS simulation of modern naval operational combat. This Android version is part of the Fleet Battle School series of...
Mind Trex
The simple puzzle game with simple rules, when you move your node you will earn 8 around opposite nodes. Try to earn white node...
Three Kingdoms: Overlord
Three Kingdoms: Overlord Relive the history of the Three Kingdoms Period with hundreds of cities. City Governance + Military + Strategy. An old-school Three...
策三國:兄弟聚首 共謀天下
搶地盤尬輸贏!一部真正能體驗三國時代爾虞我詐、鬥智鬥武的策略型遊戲來了!《策三國》堂堂邁入三週年,台灣、香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞玩家一致好評熱推!遊戲月月開服不怕實力差距懸殊,不怕被當羊宰荼毒,只為讓你玩得盡興又爽快! ◆◆遊戲特色◆◆ 【義結三國兄弟情,智囊妙計謀定天下】 萬里江山,何足為貴?運用極致排兵陣形配置並結合槍、騎、盾、弓、輔助兵種特性,體驗深度策略玩法。 【盟友情義福難共存,一朝結拜生死與共】 組織聯盟,重諾立信,聯攻聯防盟友跟車,齊力抵禦南蠻攻擊。加對聯盟橫著走,入錯聯盟咩咩叫,強大盟會助長你插旗宣示佔城池,拒當軟弱羊咩咩。 【諜報偵查消兵剿匪,野外搶資掠奪戰】 調兵遣將,消兵宰羊,策略同盟,跨國作戰零時差。不論是單人挑戰、多人競技PVP、聯盟團戰等快節奏暢爽激戰,多互動玩法切磋智力武力戰力,成就大沙盤版圖征服感。 【獨有神將造型,龍驤虎步霸氣上陣】 招募天下英豪,猛將謀臣盡在麾下,百變武將皮膚,勢壓眾人酷炫神氣。白貂甄姬化作狐仙獻媚誘惑,血月隱者諸葛孔明變身魔人野心昭然若揭,衝擊性視覺觀感,顛覆你所想像的三國人物。 【後宮助戰欲罷不能,主公戰力如虎添翼】 精力旺盛無處發洩嗎?三千佳麗朝夕與共,後宮寵幸主公續航力滿載,資源產量UP↑、兵種等級UP↑、元寶資產UP↑,寵幸美人獲得各種Buff加成,上場殺敵更牛逼。 ◆◆《策三國》溫馨提示◆◆ 遊戲內提供簡繁中文切換機制,可依個人習慣選擇。 建議使用系統為Android 2.3.7或以上版本, 且記憶體在512M以上的手機,於WIFI模式下進行遊戲。 ◆◆《策三國》粉絲團◆◆ ※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為:輔導12歲級 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。 ※遊戲中如碰到問題,建議優先透過遊戲內客服回報系統與客服人員聯繫。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。...
Olympus Rising: Tower Defense
Mount Olympus has fallen, and the Greek mythology gods of Olympus do battle. Ares, Poseidon and other gladiator heroes clash in this war strategy...
Fleet Commander
This is an epic galaxy battleship strategy game. As large-scale space battleship technology matures, human civilization has extended its reach into the vast universe....
Can you beat a friend to drop your balls off the bottom of the grid? Each player takes it in turn to move rows...
立ち上がれ 県民よ! 「タップ」で戦う全国都道府県対抗バトルがここに爆誕! 戦う術は唯一つ、タップのみ。各都道府県のプライドをかけて戦え! オンラインでユーザが所属する全都道府県民のタップが、県のパワーとなり、ランキングで競い合います。 ゲーム内容は単純明快、かつ簡単操作で遊べます。 ゲームデータはクラウド上に保存されるため、端末間でのデータ同期も簡単!暇なときにタップをして故郷に貢献しよう。 ※本ゲームをプレイするにはGoogle+アカウントが必須です。 ■パーミッション ・ネットワークフルアクセス/ネットワークステータスの取得 タップデータのアップロードと広告の取得に使用します。 Google+のユーザIDを使用してクラウド上のデータを識別しています。 パスワードなどの重要なデータは一切ゲームサーバに送信されません。 ■βテスト ・現在βテスト中です。不安定な動作やユーザ数などの制限やサーバメンテナンスで一時的に使用できなくなる事が御座います。あらかじめご了承ください。...
Game Tycoon 2
Welcome back to the industry. Just as the whole Games industry Game Tycoon has developed tremendously. In Game Tycoon 2 you find yourself in...
GLADIABOTS – AI Combat Arena
Gladiabots is a robot combat strategy game in which you carefully construct the AI of your robot squad and send them into the battle...
Evony: The King’s Return
Experience various puzzle levels. Build your cities. Train your troops. Expand your empire. Be the King of 7 kingdoms! All in Evony: The king’s...
Rise of Defenders!
“For the protection of the good,for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness,I am born in every age.” Rise of...
Naval Warfare Korea vs Japan
This is a simulation game referring to the legendary sea battles between Korean naval forces led by Admiral Yi Sun-shin and Japanese naval forces...
Electric Box
Tap to drag items on or off the game board. With items that can be flipped, click on them to reverse their directions. The...
Tale Of The Dragon Army
The army of evil has come to attack, we’re peaceful and civil but we have to fight back. ************************************** Create an army of swordsmen,...
Jungle Clash
Jungle Clash is a new online strategy game with dynamic real-time PvP battles and captivating MOBA elements. Collect a unique deck of your best-loved...
RPSLS game
¡The Famous game Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock of The Big Bang Theory now in your mobile! Rules: Scissors cuts Paper. Papers covers Rock....