Time Mysteries 3: The Final En


Babylonian Twins Platformer

Google’s staff pick in 2011 What happens when you combine Prince of Persia and the Lost Vikings in one game? An instant classic and...

Farm Town: Cartoon Story

Designed for family. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Cutest free farm game. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Top new...

Chuckles and Mike Trial

** This is the free trial version of Chuckles and Mike Adventures ** An evil alien entity has possessed a simple life form on...

Space corsair

★ Space Corsair ★ is a 2D game that combines space shooter and RPG gameplay to create an immersive, fun, and addictive game with...

Jetpack Mickey Runner

JetPack Mickey Runner is a cool game. with cool adventureand fun game play this game gives you totally new fun game experience. You have...

Boar Hunter Sniper

Boar Hunter Sniper Best boar hunting experience with great sniper rifles in 4 valleys. Game overview; In the environment, there are valleys with surrounded...

Digaway – Dig, Mine, Survive

Fast digging game. Explore vast worlds, mine gems, find loot and secrets. Expand your camp. Upgrade yourself, fight monsters, survive. FEATURES: • Customize, level...

Roller Coaster Adventure Games

Roller Coaster Adventure Games Experience a thrilling amusement ride on Roller Coaster in Virtual Reality Game. Roll on the elevated rail tracks to take...

Gunship Combat Helicopter Game

Helicopter Strike Battle, is captivating yet most realistic 3D helicopter action game. Launch biggest modern air strike on terrorist’s territories. To add lifelike combat...

Ninja Warrior Karate Fighting

Be the Karate Fighter In Ninja Warrior Karate Champ Competition Jump into this amazing Ninja Warrior Karate Fighting Game of Kung Fu Karate &...

Flappy You: Dodge fun obstacle

You can change the face of the bird to yours or to one of your friends! It’s easy to have a good laugh about...

Island Tribe 2

Get ready for new adventures in the second part of the Island Tribe series! Be one of the first to know what has happened...

The Village

Trapped in a strange set of tasks to complete you find yourself descending deeper and deeper into darkness. Can you solve your current mystery...

Fate/stay night [Realta Nua]

「−−−問おう。貴方が私のマスターか」 「Fate」の原点にして「原典」! 伝奇活劇ビジュアルノベル『Fate/stay night』 がスマートフォンアプリとして登場!!       ◆ 本作の特徴 ◆ * 全編フルボイスで遊べるFateの最新進化形! * Fateルートをクリアしていなくても、別のルートをお楽しみいただけます。 * スマホ画面に合わせた高解像度! * ufotable制作のOPアニメも必見! * 縦持ち・横持ちのどちらでも遊べるので  いつでも、どこでもFateが楽しめる!       ◆ ストーリー ◆ −−−−数十年に一度、現れるとされる−−−− −−持ち主のあらゆる願いを叶える【聖杯】−− 7人の魔術師(マスター)は、7騎の使い魔 (サーヴァント)と‘契約’し、聖杯を巡る抗争 【聖杯戦争】で、最後の一人となるまでお互いに 殺し合う。...


「AIR」「CLANNAD」など、恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム市場で大ヒットを続けるクリエイターチーム「Key」。そのデビュー作でもあり、数々のコンシューマー機移植や2度のTVアニメ化もされた名作「Kanon」が、Androidに登場します! 【ご注意】 ◆このアプリをプレイするには380MB以上のSDカード(内蔵ストレージ)の空き容量が必要です。 【ゲーム内容】 「Kanon」は美しいグラフィックと音楽と共に、小説のようなテキストを読み進めて行く恋愛アドベンチャーゲームです(ボイスはありません)。 時折表示される「選択肢」を選ぶ事でストーリーが分岐し、いろいろな物語と、それにともなう感動のエンディングを楽しむ事ができます。 【あらすじ】 雪の舞い落ちる冬の日。子供の頃に少しだけ来た事のある小さな街の駅前のベンチで、俺はいとこの少女「水瀬名雪」と7年ぶりに再会した。 微かな記憶の中にある少女と、思い出の街…。 雪に覆われたその街で、俺は5人の少女達と共に、小さな奇跡に出会う事になる…。 【登場人物】 相沢 祐一 (あいざわ ゆういち) 物語の主人公。急に両親の海外赴任が決まったため、叔母の水瀬秋子の家に居候させてもらうことになる。 7年ぶりに訪れた叔母の住む小さな街の記憶は、なぜかその年月以上に、とても曖昧になっていた…。 水瀬 名雪(みなせ なゆき) 祐一が居候することになる水瀬家の長女。 とてもおっとりした性格で、異性かつ7年ぶりの再会にもかかわらず、祐一の同居に抵抗を感じていない。 月宮 あゆ(つきみや...

Gold diver

Gold, skeletons and dangerous sea creatures? That’s right, you are a diver treasure hunter, and it’s your job – to collect as many gold...

Crazy Fishing Joy

Crazy Finger Fishing joy is a free game in top 10 game in iOS App Store. it has 80 kinds of fish,200 levels! have...

Bown Revolution 3D

The most fun action adventure game based 3D adventures Bown. The revolution of the world has come, get all the gems and stars to...

Shapik: the quest

This is a story of Shapik, traveling through magic forest in search of his missing sister. Explore a beautiful world, full of mystery, magic...

Hercules: A Legendary Journey

The untold tale of Hercules, the Greek demigod, is brought to life in this amazing arcade runner game. *Download NOW and get lost in...

Stickman Run 4D – Fun Run

Join Stickman in one of the most exciting run adventures ever. Stickman is a Ninja character that has been sucked in by a mysterious...

Julia: A Pick Up Adventure

Would you let a beautiful hot girl pass a lonely, boring night in a bar? [Game in English] Come on! What kind of guy...

Knight Age – A Magical Kingdom

Wolf Village is a happy place… well, it WAS until mysterious glowing objects began falling from the sky. Now powerful monsters are waking up...

Charlie Charlie challenge 3d

Charlie Charlie challenge es un juego de terror 3D inspirado en la tabla Ouija Presiona y suelta el botón para hacer la pregunta, luego...

Charlie Charlie Challenge spin

Enjoy this nice Charlie Charlie Challenge game. Now you can play with Spinners and more look and explore the place while you play with...

Mini Quests

Explore dungeons, solve puzzles, fight monsters, be a hero! This epic isometric adventure is brought to life in an ultra-low resolution of 40-by-30 pixels...

Jack Adventures

This story is about an ordinary guy named Jack, who loves all kinds of adventures. He constantly reveals something new for himself. And one...


5pb. and Nitroplus have released a delusional science adventure game! 5pb. and Nitroplus teamed up and have released a delusional science adventure game! Contributions...

Castle Escape

A graphic adventure / escape game when the main goal is get out from the castle where you are trapped. To find the solution...


Explore strange new worlds and unique adventures in Mimpi – a fantastic new adventure, puzzle, and platformer game. Best played on a tablet. Awards:...

Super Gift Girl Adventure Game

Christmas is coming and some new type of alien Greench arrived in the snowy village to ruin the feast days. The aliens are after...

Colientita: Unusual Adventures

Meet Colientita, an unusual chicken. Help Colientita find where her nest will be located in this platform/adventure game by reaching the egg. After collecting...

Egypt Mummy Run

Egypt Mummy Run is an cute and fun little mummy running and jumping adventure game. Help the cute little egyptian mummy to reach Cleopatra’s...

Shiny The Firefly FREE

“Beautiful as a Pixar movie” [elmundo.es] “Shiny The Firefly is a diamond, a small collector’s piece [9.5/10]” [iosgamerszone.com] “Bugtastic” [androidpolice.com] “The game is excellent,...

Battle Axe

War demands the blood of your enemies. Your castle is now under siege by aliens from the sky and your army has gone. You...

Monkey Adventure Run

The best action monkey run adventure game on your Android! And this monkey game is free! Exciting and fun physics based monkey run adventure...

The Tomb of Mummy

The tomb of mummy free is a adventure and puzzle game. Is the continuation of mummy treasure but with better graphics and better gameplay...

The tomb of mummy 2 free

The tomb of mummy 2 = is a adventure and puzzle game. Is the continuation of mummy treasure but with better graphics and better...

Hanuman Adventures Evolution

An exciting adventures platform games! – indian games In the ancient Sanskrit epic Ramayana Princess Sita was kidnapped by Ravana. Princes Rama Asks Hanuman…to...


Aftersound is game, in which all action takes place through sound. Scream, shout for help and listen carefully. Even the slightes echo somewhere away...

Slenderman Must Die: Chapter 2

*** Slenderman Must Die: Chapter 2 – DEAD SPACE *** – New Slenderman Chapter For Android – You have to collect 13 Energy Cells,...

The tomb of mummy 3

With more levels and more challenging The tomb of mummy 3 is the best adventure and puzzle game . Is the continuation of the...

Boomerang Adventure

Have you ever wanted to master a boomerang? Then this is the game for you! Prepare yourself for the adventure of what it is...

Nubs’ Adventure

Nubs’ Adventure is an exploratory platformer in which you help Nubs rebuild his house after it was destroyed by the evil Reds. But Nubs...


Follow in the footsteps of the great captain Seabeard and discover a giant ocean teeming with islands to explore! Live life at your own...

Enigma Express – A Hidden Obje

Now with BRAND NEW LEVELS! Introducing the first of five brand new content updates, adding a new side mission to the story and setting...

Battle Tank 3D Parking

Enter the arena and ride one of the coolest all-terrain quad bikes. Buckle up, start the engine and prove everyone that you can handle...