Battlevoid: First Contact
Take command of a space station in this free real-time (RTS) sci-fi strategy game with roguelike features! The year is 2259. The place of...

Railroad Manager 3
For fans of classic Tycoon games! Build tracks, run trains, transport passengers, deliver cargo, research technology! Different maps from several countries (UK, USA, Germany),...

Baseball Vs Zombies Returns
Yet again the undead will rise! A sequel for the Baseball Vs Zombies! Baseball team has to fight against zombies and stop them from...

Panzer Marshal
For more campaigns please see: Panzer Marshal: Second Front and Panzer Marshal: Turning Tides. Tactical scale World War 2 turn based strategy game, that...

Command & Control (Lite)
Tower Defense about modern military conflicts. The player will have to confront the global terrorist threat and perform 8 combat missions in hot spots...

캐슬 크래시: 세계 지배자
★★★ 기쁨도 슬픔도 영주님과 함께 한 캐슬크래시 9주년을 축하해 주세요! ★★★ 캐슬 크래시의 새로운 시대가 왔습니다! 나르시아에 모여 전세계 영주들과 함께 명예와 영광을 위해...

Ancient Empires
The game takes place in a fantasy medieval kingdom of Thorin ruled by the benevolent King Galamar. The game begins with Galamar barely escaping...

Idle Brain Quest
Do you have what it takes to be a Master Idling Genius? Can you solve the dilemma of mismatched socks? Can you monetize the...

The Creeps!
Build towers, earn badges, use flashlights, boomerangs, toy blasters and MORE to stop The Creeps! before they get under Johnny’s bed! Best tower defense...

This addictive strategy game with easy and cool Risk-based gameplay challenging your tactical and strategic skills! Enjoy the ability to battle your friends, random...

Civil War Battles – Battles
This is a mobile version of the PC series Civil War Battles which has produced 12 releases ranging from Bull Run to the Battle...

RedSun is a prime example of the genre classic RTS, unjustly forgotten today. In this game you directly and, as is self-explanatory name for...

Toy Wars: Story of Heroes
No blood! No violence! No gore! They are only toys after all… Embrace the nostalgia of playing with little plastic soldiers! Aim your cannon,...

Battle for Wesnoth LEGACY
***WARNING*** This is a legacy version (1.12) of the game. 1.14 is available here: http://wesnoth-on-android.sf.net/ and is published on google play ***WARNING*** This is...

Building the China Wall
Embark on an epic journey across the Chinese Empire and take charge of building the greatest structure known to mankind – The Great Wall...

Castle Clash: Dünya Hükümdarı
★★★ İyi günde de kötü günde de birlikte olduğumuz bu 9 yılı kutluyoruz. ★★★ Castle Clash’te yeni bir dönem başladı! Farklı bölgelerden gelen lordlar,...

Space STG II – Death Rain
★CHECK OUT ALSO SPACE STG 3★ Space STG II – Death Rain is a sci-fi real time strategy game. It is continuation of Space...

Guns’n’Glory Zombies
It’s finally going down! The Zombie Apocalypse is here and the dead are rising from their graves! Lock and load your weapons and face...

Castle Clash: حاكم العالم
★★★ نحتفل سوياً بـ 9 سنوات مع كاستل كلاش، في جميع الأوقات. ★★★ لقد حان حقبة جديدة في لعبة كاستل كلاش! يجتمع اللوردات من...

Crazy Tribes – Apocalypse War
Play Crazy Tribes now, and become one of the most feared Dukes in the wastelands! Recruit lots of crazy units and use your army...

Land Air Sea Warfare RTS
Command a force of thousands of units into strategic warfare in this new RTS game. Fortify your base with turrets, surface to air missile...

War 2 Victory
This is a WWII based MMO strategy game which was featured by both GooglePlay and Amazon in 2013. Here in this fun game you...

Celtic Tribes – Strategy MMO
Celtic Tribes – Real-time strategy for true chiefs Peaceful settlers as well as the battle hungry conquerors will have lots of fun in this...

Jeff The Killer Blocks
Gets eight keys before Jeff kill you. Twitter: https://twitter.com/RHGamesT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RHGamesF...

1492 Clicker
In 1492, you arrived in New World with a group of pioneers. Fortunately, New World had plentiful resources and a mild climate to live...

Strategy & Tactics-USSR vs USA
USSR vs USA is an add-on for Strategy & Tactics: World War II. The Generals, having gone through the trials of the recent war,...

Castle Clash: Regu Royale
★★★ Rayakan 9 tahun bersama, melalui suka dan duka. ★★★ Era baru telah tiba di Castle Clash! Lord dari daerah yang jauh di sana...

ThreeKingdoms Conqueror
Description 【Feature】 There are over 240 famous generals to choose in the Three Kingdoms period. Each of them has the unique combination of skills....

Time of Exploration (strategy)
Time of Exploration is a fictional economy simulation that can be played over some days. Be aware, there are no graphical effects and no...

Wars Games – Defense Strategy
Wars Games – Defense Strategy is a fun tower defense game for boys and girls! Addicting war game of killing time with all family...

Join more than 2 million warriors fighting in the fantasy lands of Emporea! If you seek peace, you’re in the wrong world! Emporea is...

Castle Clash: 世界の覇者
★★★ 世界中のプレイヤーに愛されているCastle Clash – 9周年アニバーサリーを迎えました! ★★★ Castle Clashに新たな時代が到来!遠く離れた地域の領主たちがナルシアに集まり、究極の栄光を目指して競い合います!戦場の太鼓が鳴り響く。生き残るのは強者のみ。頂点は誰の手に!? 今までにないグローバルな舞台で、世界中の領主たちと腕試し!味方と協力して戦うか、独りで栄光を掴むかはあなた次第! Castle Clashは、エキサイティングな戦闘とテンポの良い戦略で構成された、壮大なバトルゲームです!強力な英雄たちを仲間にして、強力な呪文を放ち、頂点を目指しましょう!壮大な帝国を築き上げ、世界最高の将軍としてあなたの名を歴史に刻むのです! ゲームの特徴: ✔ 一本道ではない成長システムを活用して、拠点をあなたの好きなように発展させていきましょう! ✔ 強化された英雄スキンを装着して、あなたの英雄たちを強力で新しい外見に変えましょう! ✔ 指先で、シームレスな操作性と圧倒的なビジュアルエフェクトをお楽しみください。 ✔ 驚くべき力を持つ英雄たちを雇用し、あなたの目指すもののために戦いましょう。 ✔ 闘技場で他のプレイヤーと対戦し、最強を目指しましょう。 ✔ 英雄たちの装備をアンロックして、戦いに参加させましょう。...

Castle Clash: ผู้ครองโลก
★★★ มาร่วมฉลองครบรอบ 9 ปีแห่งความสนุกสนาานและความมันส์ด้วยกัน ★★★ ยุคใหม่แห่ง Castle Clash ได้เริ่มขึ้นแล้ว! ท่านลอร์ดจากแต่ละภูมิภาคไม่ว่าจะใกล้ หรือไกล ต่างก็มารวมตัวกันที่นาร์เซีย เพื่อร่วมการประลองเพื่อชื่อเสียงและความเกรียงไกร! เสียงกลองศึกดังสนั่นขึ้นมาแล้ว! มีเพียงผู้ที่แข็งแกร่งที่สุดเท่านั้นที่จะรอดจากศึกนี้ไปได้ และได้รับการยกย่องว่าเป็นผู้ชนะอันดับหนึ่ง! ออกมาวัดฝีมือกับท่านลอร์ดจากทั่วทุกมุมโลก บบนสนามประลองที่รวมทุกเซิฟเวอร์ไว้ด้วยกัน! ท้าประลองกับผู้เล่นที่แข็งแกร่งที่สุดแล้วก้าวขึ้นชิงบัลลังก์ผู้ครองโลก! หรือเลือกให้ความช่วยเหลือกับคนอื่นๆ แล้วทายผลลัพธ์การต่อสู้ก็ย่อมได้! Castle Clash เกมวางแผนที่เดินเกมอย่างรวดเร็ว...

Kingdoms at War: Hardcore PVP
Lead the mightiest army in the kingdom! Intense player vs. player MMORPG with epic clan wars, and battles! Face-off against millions of players, destroy...

Idle Quest
Questing! It’s what we love, and it’s what we do. Begin by getting quests from townsfolk. Then, scurry to the designated questing location with...

TDX – Tower Defense eXtreme
TDX – Tower Defense to the eXtreme Vicious creatures from space are invading our world! They are coming through the green tile! We must...

Defense Zone 2 HD Lite
The new, engaging levels are even more stunning and impressive. New weapons have been added, along with new opponents, and even more action and...

Arma Tactics Demo
!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !! Use this demo to find out if your device is able to run Arma Tactics and/or performs well enough. If...

★★★九載時光,風雨同行,納齊亞領主們共襄盛舉!★★★ 這是一個群雄爭霸的時代!城堡爭霸迎來全新紀元,來自全球各個區服的領主齊聚納齊亞大陸,競逐世界第一的無上榮耀!硝煙再起,唯強者勝。最終誰才是這片大陸的唯一霸主?讓我們拭目以待! 在這場史無前例的全球征戰中,你將與世界各地的領主一較高下,是選擇與強者展開激烈角逐,摘取世界王者的桂冠,或是旁觀助戰,下注英雄們的勝負,都由領主您自己決定! 城堡爭霸是款快節奏的戰爭策略遊戲,你將扮演一名領主,建設你的城堡來發展壯大自己的實力,並率領你手下的英雄,利用強大的魔法,去征服敵人的城鎮。建立起屬於自己的恢宏帝國,最終成就不朽偉業,書寫你的華麗篇章! 【遊戲特色】 ✔ 多樣化的城鎮升級規劃路線,將你的城鎮打造成不破堡壘! ✔ 英雄時裝強化,讓您的英雄兼具美貌與實力! ✔ 極簡的操作,絢麗而強大的魔法,在你的指尖凝聚,為你摧毀一切阻礙。 ✔ 招募各具超凡能力的英雄,經過戰鬥的磨礪,他們將為你建立不朽功勳。 ✔ 在競技場中與其他玩家的英雄一分高下,爭奪最強霸主的稱號。 ★ 全新魂器系統,使你的英雄擁有強大的戰力。 ★ 多樣的皮膚和時裝系統,帶來豐富的視覺體驗。 ★ 爭奪聖火、搶佔據點、聯盟爭霸,爭奪皇城,只為獲得無上榮耀。 ★ 和好友揪團組隊,團結合作共同挑戰多人副本。 ★...

War of Thrones
War of Thrones, the most ADDICTIVE STRATEGY MMO DRAGON WAR GAME EVER! Welcome to the Greatest Dragon Age! Come here to establish your own...

Star Traders 4X Empires
Take command of humanity’s last survivors and rebuild an empire among the stars. In this immersive turn-based strategy game, you must lead the refugees...

CastleClash:Quyết Chiến-Gamota
Gamota và IGG cùng hợp tác đồng phát hành game Castle Clash: Quyết Chiến tại Việt Nam. ★★★ Chào đón hành trình 9 năm...

Puzzle Games
Puzzle Games : This app is for those who like Puzzle Games , We are happy to deliver more games in One app with...

Border Siege LITE [war & risk]
Similar to the classic board game, and streamlined for quicker play. Border Siege was designed and developed specifically for Android phones and tablets. Supports...

Castle Wars
Aim of the game – is to destroy opponents castle and not to lose your own. To get the aim you need to hire...

Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle
Build a mighty empire, forge alliances, unlock prizes, and claim your throne as ruler of the kingdom! ►►►9.5 Million players and counting◄◄◄ Join millions...

Nun Attack
One of the Best Games of 2012 for Android! – IGN: “Catholicism has never been so hardcore.” – Kotaku: “Bless me, Father, For I...

Glory of Generals
Commander! Over 60 campaigns in 4 battlefields of World War II are waiting for your challenge. 102 world famous generals will participate in this...