Desktop Tower Defense
Desktop Tower Defense does not follow the generic Tower Defense game style. Unlike many other tower defense games, the path of the creeps themselves...
Real Truck Parking Truck Drive
Get ready for a grand Euro truck driving experience with crazy Indian off-road stunts where you will drive an off-road cargo truck in this...
Respect of the Realm
Respect. Honor. Power. Are you clever enough to rise to the top of the medieval world? SINGLE PLAYER HISTORIC STRATEGY Manage your barons, collect...
Empire Rush: Rome Wars
“Join the epic battle for Rome and become a legendary commander in Empire Rush: Rome Wars! Collect and upgrade powerful cards to build your...
Fantasy Wars
Fantasy Wars is a turn-based strategy game where six fantasy races: Humans, Orcs, Elves, Undead, Dwarves, and Drow vie for supremacy in a small...
Space City Construction Games
THE FATE OF MANKIND The year is 2880, Planet earth can no longer support life, The Current colony of Mankind resides in Interstellar space...
【遊戲特色】 【型酷三國,顛覆而來!誰說打仗不用靠顏值?】 鑼鼓喧天、一聲令下、兩軍交鋒,敵軍迎面而來,呂奉先手握方天畫戟、關雲長持青龍偃月刀、張翼德也配著丈八蛇矛,面對天將神器,莫急莫慌莫害怕!3D模組美型外觀,英勇征戰沙場,顏值逆不可擋,這場仗,哥就用「帥」拿下! 【智謀策略,極致操作!勝負成敗決戰於指尖!】 「將是兵之膽」!在短兵相接風雲幻變的戰場上,必須重視陣容搭配,才能夠在沙場中叱吒風雲,武將養成與陣容策略搭配的重要性不容小覷,而在平分秋色的戰役中,每分每秒的即時操作絕對就是勝負的關鍵!集火、進攻、開招,相信自己的每個決定,邁向最後的勝利! 【超大版圖,城池爭奪!萬人國戰席捲全伺服!】 「國戰!賞你個震撼」超過150座歷史名城,完美的還原了群雄併起的三國時代,這浩大的規模下,攻城掠地,為的是稱王爭霸;在僵持的戰役中,勢均力敵,拚的是背水一戰!大型國戰,不是一個人在奮戰!這場仗,絕不退讓! 【特色系統,全新體驗!多種玩法超越經典!】 奮力征戰沙場,圖的就是建功立業,《極道三國-王城の攻略》中的全新官職挑戰系統,想要封官進爵,就比誰的拳頭大!擊敗前面的攔路虎,成就自己的封侯路!而全新的美人系統使後宮佳麗三千不再只是花瓶,將美人納入後宮後進行能力提升,方能助主公一統江山! 本遊戲依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。本遊戲內容涉及暴力(攻擊等血腥畫面)、遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,及使用酒之菸酒情節。另本遊戲部分內容需另行支付費用,並請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷及影響正常作息。...
Free. No in app purchases. Choose a nation to lead through the 20th century. – Control diplomacy, start wars – Build military – Invest...
Ball Hits – Fire
Balls hit is a simple bouncing game. You have to just put concentration and focus on balls movement. This level consist of ball/balls which...
Simple Tic Tac Toe
This iteration of Tic Tac Toe is simple and fun. Play with your friends and see who wins....
Indian Off-road Mountain Truck
Indian Truck 2023 – Lorry Games Simulator Welcome to the extreme Indian off-road mountain truck driver 3D 2021. You can enjoy this indian cargo...
Sengoku Village2 -unite Japan-
In the year 1467 the Onin War took place, plunging Japan into chaos and confusion. The capital city, Kyoto, is left to ruin and...
랜덤 가위바위보
간단한 구동 방식의 가위바위보 어플입니다. 어플 실행 후 첫 화면에서 click 버튼을 눌러 랜덤한 확률의 가위바위보가 보여지며, 상단 오른쪽의 리턴 버튼을 누르면 홈으로 돌아갈...
Jungle Fruit: Link match 3 gam
Jungle Fruit is an extremely fun and adventurous game. Your task in this game is simple: find more than 3 identical fruits and then...
Crazy Defense Heroes – TD Game
Do you dream of being a tower defense hero? Join Crazy Defense Heroes, the strategy tower defense game right now! Develop your own defensive...
Hexlords: Quantum Warfare
This was a world made out from the best intentions. The year is 2020 and tensions have reached critical mass between the four major...
Bubble Shooter! Extreme
Take your matching skills to the extreme with Bubble Shooter Extreme. Journey through new galaxies, and let the shooting fun game begin! Download this...
Angry Plants Temple
Angry Plants is the great Game! ******Main features: +Ultra awesome 2D graphics +Many challenges each levels +Many Plants and Monsters +Fee Gift +Free All...
各位玩家,大家好!我們是一個獨立遊戲開發團隊,想借這個機會跟各位戰棋愛好者說一句心裏話,我們80-90後所曾經熱愛到不休不眠不吃不喝的戰棋類遊戲 – 他並不是落伍了,而是更像一條沉睡中的巨龍,一直在等待下一次被喚醒的一刻。而如果真的到了那一刻,說不定戰棋魂就會像巨龍吐息般,一發不可收拾,引領我們一個新的時代! 跟很多人一樣,戰棋是陪伴我們的成長過程中的一種重要遊戲,《獵鷹戰記》這一款致敬日式戰棋的作品,不但有經典玩法的還原,還融合了許多獨特的技能策略、更加入即時競技場,讓喜歡研究策略的玩家競技決鬥! 希望大家多多支持,讓我們繼續把好玩有趣的遊戲帶給大家! 遊戲介紹: ● 經典還原 經典的格子移動、攻擊、待機的戰鬥模式! ● 燒腦技能 擊退、拉切、陷阱、潛行、改變格子等特色技能,等你來運用! ● 被動效果 多種被動效果隨意搭配:死亡纏繞、援擊、嗜血(請參考第3張宣傳圖片) ● 地形運用 善用紅、綠、藍、以及其他特色地形來策動更強大的攻擊 ● 跨服競技 3v3即時競技,一人一步的方式(公平性大增!)運用你個人的強大陣容和策略取得更高的競技成就! ● 劇情選擇 個性化的劇情,從結識到同行再到離別,讓你投入其中,在章節中做出你自己的選擇吧!...
Empire at War 2: Conquest of t
The empire is at war, what the battle and the conquest begins! On this occasion, Empier at War 2 brings many novelties where we...
Constellation: Draw like a pro
Have you ever looked at the sky at night and try match those constellations people have been talking about since ages: Ursa, Orion, Scorpius...
Car Stunts Racing: Car Games
Are you ready to enjoy mega ramp impossible car stunts racing on sky roads by playing impossible tracks car stunts car games? If you...
Christmas Puzzle
Christmas Puzzle will take you to discover the beauty of Christmas. About the snowman, the Santa Claus, the parties and the gifts, the Christmas...
Gods’ Quest : The Shifters
You’re a lord in Greek mythology. Recruit heroes and soldiers, and conquer and expand territory in order to create a prosperous city through choices...
Ferox Castle Defense
As more of these terrible scum approach your castle be ready to protect your kingdom. Switch between three exceptional warriors to protect the Castle...
Bike Robot Shooting: War Games
US Robot Bike Transform Shooting Game Get now this Bike Robot Transform War City Shooting Game which is super addictive robot game for every...
위기의 시대, 혼돈의 바다 전 세계 빙하가 녹아내리고, 대륙의 1/3을 바다가 삼켜버렸다 바다를 둘러싼 거대한 전쟁에 맞서, 살아남은 인류를 위해 출항하라! 이 바다 역시...
House Construction Simulator
Ever wanted to become a Construction Engineer to manage mini and mega construction projects? Well, here is your chance as “Duty to Craft Games”...
希臘榮光,照耀萬國。 全球第一文明策略手遊,全新文明“希臘”正式上線! 作為西方文明的基石,也是眾多傳奇哲學家、戰士和詩人的故鄉,希臘的雄偉之力現在將歸於你的掌控。與伯里克利、亞歷山大大帝、皮洛士一起將希臘文明輝煌的遺產延續到永恆。 【遊戲特色】 運籌帷幄,作戰策略由你決定 想在地圖上來個迂迴包抄?還是想據守地形,以弱勝強?亦或直取敵巢,圍魏救趙?《萬國覺醒》獨創的自由行軍機制,將給戰略天賦滿滿的你一個施展的舞台! 偉大的歷史戰役中,從沒有哪個將領「打完收工」! 攻城、搶奪資源點、野戰中消滅敵軍…將領的出擊路線由你決定,盟友間的增援更能將敵人玩弄於鼓掌之間。 傳奇統帥助玩家稱霸世界 來自世界各國的傳奇將領將在《萬國覺醒》中一一登場!凱撒、曹操、貞德…被各國史書銘記歌頌的偉大統帥正等待你的招募! 每位統帥都根據歷史原型,還原人物造型與配音。參考歷史功績專門設計英雄技能,讓你彷彿真的成為「良將千員,強兵如雲」的文明執政官。 英雄創造傳奇,還是傳奇鑄就英雄?快來打造效忠於你的英雄組合! 無距縮放,全圖局勢盡在掌握 首創無距縮放操作模式,從宏觀世界地圖、中觀的附近局勢,再到微觀城建地圖,只需兩指就能輕鬆縮放,絲般順滑的操作手感,享受掌中世界運籌帷幄的超爽感! 無與倫比的3D高解析度畫質,模擬的戰爭迷霧需要慢慢揭開,快派出手下斥候,盡情享受探索世界的快感吧! 自由建設,打造專屬城市佈局 繁榮的城市是文明生存的根基,《萬國覺醒》中的城市建築自由規劃,每位玩家都能擺出獨一無二的城市佈局。 根據文明不同,城中建築會有完全不同的風格。行走的居民、夜晚亮起的燈火、時刻在城牆巡邏的士兵…一座經得起時間考驗的城市,將是你傳奇故事的起點! 遠征玩法,展現神機妙算 滑動手指,指揮統帥,多兵線作戰! 初次執掌文明,不知道如何在戰場上調兵遣將?別怕,70個設計各不相同的PVE關卡等你挑戰! 用手下統帥搭配最合適的兵種,在遠征推演中擊敗敵人,不僅收穫滿滿實戰經驗,更有經驗書、資源包、加速道具等各種豐富獎勵拿到手軟! ※本遊戲內容涉及暴力情節(但無血腥畫面),依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內設有商城加值區,請依個人興趣及能力進行適度消費。...
Candy 2019: Paradise Sweet
This is a great jigsaw puzzle game full of fun, love and sweetness. Explore the fairy tale world of candy to find miracles in...
Safragt is a traditional game between two players works offline (without the Internet). Red and Blue, who alternate in marking the spaces in a...
No End Lair
Tired of these fast paced action games? I know the feeling. No End Lair is a simple, infinite, turn-based dungeon crawler. It is created...
Little Wars
The Galaxy is being invaded by aliens called Wallrocks. Humanity has had to build interplanetary ships to combat them. Wallrocks do not have many...
Bomber Battle – Hero Return
Bomber Battle – Hero Return is a classic game type with multi levels to explore. In each level, you have to kill all enemies...
Movement to Contact!
In Movement to Contact, you are a US Army Company Commander tasked with finding, engaging and destroying the enemy units in your sector in...
Alkoholverbot, Dimmision, Klausurphase? Keine Sorge. Bierjunge ermöglicht, unäbhängig aller Lebensbedingungen, den rein digitalen Bierkonsum. Genieße das goldene Flüssigbrot und benutze es um zu Keilen,...
らくらく脳トレ!シリーズの「立体形あて」です。 表示される立体を、裏側から見るとどのように見えるか頭の体操をしてみましょう。 90秒間でどれだけ問題を解答できるか、レッツチャレンジ! ランキングで競争したり、毎日の成績をグラフで確認できます。 伝言板でユーザー同士の交流も可能です。...
20th century Economic strategy
You wish to become an emperor, a king or a president? This game is just what you are looking for. You can enter the...
This is a game for 2 players. Tap on the coloured balls that match your opponents team member colours, the more that are together,...
GoBot Nano
2D Mobile Game. Free-to-play! Note: This is a beta version. Only 2 levels (zones) are completed. The 3rd zone is being actively developed. In-app...
The Ring of Sauron
The Ring of Sauron is a non-traditional strategy war game. Here, not only can you direct your army to battle and achieve dominance, you...
Battle Generals
The balance of war has been reversed, General! The battle now against robots, do not allow them to control, the land needs its savior....
时空噼啪嘣(Tictacboom)- 超搞笑的弹弹大乱斗
【游戏介绍】 《时空噼啪嘣》延续经典的弹道抛射玩法,采用Q萌精细的游戏画面,通过招募不同的时空科幻英雄成为自己的打手,在战斗过程增入了更多具有特色和趣味的打斗效果以及各个角色的专属彩蛋,利用他们独一无二的技能,击败对手赢得最后的胜利! The physics projectile puzzle game, Tictacboom, has lots of new features and incredible graphics. Unlock more famous historical people and upgrade their...