Camp Card – battle royale in text form. A thousand and one people find themselves on an island that is surrounded by the sea....
Arker: The legend of Ohm
Explore the land of Ohm, recruit your hero and battle in exciting strategic online battles against other players. Classes Berserker, Alchemist, Izarian…. Discover the...
Europe 1784 Military strategy
Welcome to the world of global changes and new opportunities, where you will become a wise ruler and lead your nation in pursuit of...
Garbage Disk
Garbage Disk is a game where you have to sort all the files coming in on your computer. There are four different file type:...
Trophy Alert
Especially indicated for those competitive players, Ladder players, tournaments or simply for those players who want to track the trophies of certain players of...
2048 VS
Remember that puzzle game ? That game with the numbered tiles that was all the rage 5 years ago? …No? Well this is awkward....
Gunship Battle Total Warfare
** This game officially supports English. A Modern Military Masterpiece with Over 10+ Million Downloads! ▶ Elysium: Fight for Control in the New Alliance...
Lost Artifacts 1
Set off with Claire on an adventure through the uncharted continent of the casual strategy game Lost Artifact. For a long time, Claire worked...
Payment Contest
Payment Contest est un jeu d’entreprise interne pour découvrir l’univers des paiements. Crée ta ville et va à la rencontre de tes habitants pour...
League of Runas
Com o League of Runas, você cria sua pagina de Runas guia e ainda pode ver informações detalhadas de cada Runa....
Sengoku Fubu
Sengoku Fubu recreates epic conflict across ancient Japan, the upheaval throughout regional lords. All of them rise to fill the vacuum of weakened central...
Celebrity Bomb Adventure
Classic Bomb Game with World Celebrity Theme that you Love!!! You will enjoy this Celebrity Bomb Adventure game. You will become World Celebrity characters...
Wars of Empire
Wars of Empire (WOE) is a free to play real-time multiplayer strategy game. At first you control of one palace with your king in...
Space Territory War Dominate the Universe with your alliance! To seize the control of solar systems and do capture enemy planets would be a...
Bike Hunter
Hunt down bikes that have been left in the wild! Next Bike UK operate a bike sharking service in the UK but the bikes...
Strike of Nations – Army War
Forge alliances between empires and command your army into this World War Modern military SLG game. This modern warfare strategy game is full of...
Hacker.exe – Hacking Sim
NOTE: THIS GAME CONTAINS JUMPSCARES. Hacker.exe is an atmospheric Survival Horror/Strategy/Simulation that puts you on the shoes of a hacker. Hacker.exe is a twist...
Bad Girls Wrestling Game
Bad Girls Wrestling Games – GYM Women Fighting Games is an exciting and combat 3D wrestling game that includes fighters of karate, kung fu,...
Meta TicTacToe
Play a fun and slightly complex of the traditional game of TicTacToe This is called Meta Tic Tac Toe by some, others call it...
Tiny Blues Vs Mini Reds
The “Mini Reds” are the bad guys and are trying to capture your most strategic militar base. You must stop them with your “Tiny...
Train Station 2: Transit Game
All the railway tycoon lovers, train tycoon collectors and train simulator enthusiasts who love everything rail transport related unite! It’s time to put your...
Cyber Chaos
Cyber Chaos rewards players who are patient, skillful and strategize according to the game....
Revolution of everyone lite
As a strategy-based game, Your must conquer castles with your revolution army. 8 different resources to control, they’ll be replenished by your companions whom...
The Dollar Game
The Dollar Game is a little {maths} game in which you try to share money between people, so that they all are no longer...
Save Monster
Fun yet intriguing game of the year- Save Monster. Use your specialized shield to rescue your cute and little monster. Be cautious of the...
Modularis is a unique strategy game where all units are constructed of platforms and modules. Find perfect combinations for defense and attack. Build your...
Police car: police games
Looking a furious & fast police chase games offline between police car games 3d and car racing games, then you are at the right...
Iron Hero® Collision
IronHero® Collision – Where strategy meets the action! Take control of the battlefield and emerge victorious after you eliminate all threats to mankind. This...
Smile Glass : Draw Lines Puzzl
Line drawing brain teasers. Smile Glass : Draw Lines Puzzle Classic is a challenging logic puzzle with a physics twist for kids. Each level...
Age of Colonization
Lead a great empire, command an army, lead people into battle, and win on the battlefield. Build an economy that will rival the strongest...
Candy Monsters Match 3
Joins 3 or more monsters of the same color and use magical powers to break through hundreds of fantastic levels. But you will need...
ConquerByClick – GMS & Agilogi
Dieses Spiel ist gedacht zum ersten Kontakt mit Spieltheorie und deren Begriffe am Beispiel eines einfachen Spiels mit perfekter Information, ohne Zufallskomponente und zunächst...
Spell Comparator for Clash Roy
Spell Comparator for Clash Royale is the ideal application to know the combination of the damage that your spells can do according to the...
Perfect Mission(パーフェクトミッション)
▼最高司令官気分を満喫できる! 『パーフェクトミッション』で、第一次世界大戦から現代の各種名高い戦争兵器を操り、陸海空を網羅した兵器を組み合わせ、無敵の部隊を率いて世界を征服します。空母を率いて海戦の刺激だけを感じるのではなく、同時に陸戦と空戦の爆撃の刺激も感じられます。 陸海空の三軍は出撃の準備をして、司令官であるあなたの一声が下るのを待っています! ▼近未来の世界で、あなたの物語が始まる! 世界は高度技術が発展し、気候をもコントロールすることができ、地震や自然災害がない世の中になっていた。この地球で永遠に幸せな生活が送遅れるとだれもが信じていた。そう、あの日までは… 西暦2060年、突如空が真っ赤になり、巨大な爆発音がした。それと同時に地球の気候が急激に上がり変わり、世界中に異常なまでの自然災害が起こり、瞬く間に大陸の80%が海に沈んだ。この状況下ですでに「国」という概念はない。なんとか生き残った人々は小島で再建するため、残った技術、資源を集め、生き抜くため必死になっていったが、ある程度生活ができる状況になると人はよりよい生活を求め始める。 あなたはその一人の指揮官として、大爆発から生き延びた島の人々を導き、世界の平和と正義の味方になることを決心した… ◆四大兵種の組合せ!憧れの部隊が作成しよう! 戦車、ミサイル車両、特殊兵、戦闘ヘリ。地上戦で不可欠な四大兵器が揃い、あなた一番のお気に入りはどれでしょう?兵器にはそれぞれの属性があり、戦闘中を活用できれば、達成感抜群! ◆数多くの名将が参戦!士官が率いた部隊で敵を潰せ! 歴代の名将があなたの下に勤めます!士官には、指揮型だけじゃなく、補助型もあり、更にそれぞれの能力を持ちます。様々な戦闘場面で、特定の士官を連れて、戦場に向かおう! ◆もう一人で戦わない!一押しのGVGスタイル! 革新的なシステムGVG(ギルド対ギルド)形式の海賊基地戦略スタイルで、軍団(ギルド)で集結したチームで海賊を攻撃し、海賊たちの「不義の富」を獲得し、軍団戦(ギルドバトル)で勝利すると勝利の果実を争奪しよう! ◆都市戦で世に名を轟かせる!?世界中の都市を争奪せよ! 軍団は都市単位争奪戦で、要塞都市単位の占領で、都市税収を受け取り、任命された軍団メンバーは都市要職に就きます。都市システムは占領軍団に絶えず税収と重要官職を提供し、さらに強烈な感情移入、刺激感を体験できるでしょう! ▼最新情報はこちらをチェック ・公式サイト ・公式Twitter @perfectM_JP...
World War Rising
What will history decide about you? A savage warlord or a brave builder, prove your worth to lead epic armies of the most elite...
Forward Line
Forward Line is a turn based, medium weight, two player strategy board game with a World War II theme. Made with a great deal...
【炫酷3D策略卡牌】 【少年,這是你的時代】 【優惠大放送】 1、首日送趙雲、貂蟬、小喬! 2、次日張飛!3日馬超!!7日黃忠! 3、首沖即送五星上將關羽!還有3888元寶、大量稀缺資源大禮包等你拿! 《三國名將傳》是一款以三國題材的製作的3D動作卡牌遊戲,遊戲背景發生在征戰不休的東漢末年,中原大地硝烟四起,各路諸侯為了利益爭得頭破血流,正當在這千古亂世之中,一英雄少年突然降臨,實在不能忍受這天下蒼生民不聊生的慘狀,决定拼盡全力將這九州之亂世終結,於是一部英雄的史詩由此刻開始。 【遊戲特色】 ◆國戰在即,一觸即發◆ 魏、蜀、吳,三國鼎立各據一方,曹操挾天子以令諸侯,劉備打著興複漢室的光榮旂號,孫權則是為了保護那江東父老。鼎非有三足而不立,在這三股强大的勢力之中該如何抉擇?全球玩家,跨服國戰,前線頻頻告急!別猶豫了,趕緊加入我們一起為了正義而戰吧! ◆全3D建模,真實打擊感◆ 人物、動作、武器、大招、技能,全3D建模,只為帶給玩家最真實刺激的打擊感受。在保證遊戲流暢度的前提下,提供給玩家最酣暢淋漓的遊戲體驗。 ◆三國名將,應有盡有◆ 三國所有知名魏蜀吳和群體武將無所不有。蜀將:劉備、趙雲、關羽、張飛、馬超、黃忠;魏將:曹操、典韋、許褚、張遼、夏侯惇、夏侯淵;吳將:孫權、太史慈、甘寧、黃蓋、周瑜、陸遜;更有三國美女貂蟬、甄宓、大小喬、孫尚香、黃月英 ◆魏蜀吳神兵齊聚◆ 魏蜀吳名將輩出,坐騎和神兵更是數不勝數,千百年來在全世界傳為美談。在《三國名將傳》中您將體驗到呂布的方天畫戟、關羽的青龍偃月刀,曹操的倚天劍與青釭劍,張飛的丈八蛇矛,三國名器神兵無所不有,全等您來挖掘體驗!更有赤兔、的盧、絕影三大名駒,等你來收入囊中。 本遊戲輔級為:15級。本遊戲內容涉及暴力、不當言語,以及「性」(凸顯性特徵、遊戲⾓色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾) 。本遊戲為免費使用,但遊戲內部分內容或服務需另行支付其他費用。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷於遊戲,可能影響身心健康。...
Farm Tycoon – life idle simula
This is a real life simulator agronomist. A fascinating economic strategy clicker! Build your successful business in the village. First you are a poor...
Juego multijugador en línea de imperios espaciales. El juego se encuentra bajo desarrollo. Por favor no use este juego, no funciona bien. Caracteristicas. Construye...
Necromancer Returns
Necromancer Returns is a turn-based strategy game in which you assemble an army and fight hordes of enemies. Peace in a fantasy kingdom has...
Barber Shop – Simulator Games
Hey guys!! Do you want to open up your own barber shop? Then we have brought the best salon game for you. In this...
◆◇◆ 遊び方 ◆◇◆ 遊び方は簡単! 遊ぶステージを選んだらカウントダウンスタート。 10秒間で絵がこっそり変わります。 どこが変わったか分かるかな? 終了!のあとに、変わった場所をタップして 当ててみよう! ◆◇◆ こんな人にオススメ ◆◇◆ ・可愛いねこが好き ・動物が好き ・難しい間違い探しがしたい方 ・時間をつぶしたい ▼お問い合わせ ご不明な点がございましたら [email protected] までお問い合わせいただければ幸いです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。...
Tic Tac Toe – Tres en Raya
Juega un sencillo tres en raya que te hará pensar dependiendo del nivel de dificultad que decidas jugar: Fácil, Normal y Difícil. Si llegas...
Lapse 2: Before Zero
Lapse 2: Before Zero is the official prequel to Lapse: A Forgotten Future. That you are here means, in some way, you were successful...
Easy Chess
Offline chess to play at any time. Play white pieces or black pieces and improve your chess. Play against artificial intelligence or against a...
LordsWM Mobile
An unofficial client for browser-based game Lords of War and Money (lwm / hwm) available at (for eng) & (for rus) With...
Glory of War – Mobile Rivals
Glory of War is a military-themed free-to-play mobile multiplayer which is the return of online strategy war game , It takes place in the...
AR Tank Wars
AR Tank Wars is the most addictive Augmented Reality War game ever. Turn your living room into a battlefield and start battling enemy tanks....